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Interacting with your other halves friends and family


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Hi all, so I've been a regular on the "healing after a break-up" forum and wanted to put this question to those members currently in a relationship or just getting in to dating someone.....


How do you find your significant others friends and family? Do you enjoy interacting with them etc??


I ask this because my ex of three years had a group of friends from way before we were together that we spent time with be in dinners or weekend away. Truth be told I dreaded spending time with them, they were not my cup of tea at all....


Now we lived away from these friends for the first year of our relationship but we moved closer for the remaining two. My ex acted differently around them I found, not the person I was used to. Now this isn't to say I was rude or that my distain for them was apparent, but if it weren't for her then I would not have spent time with those people.


Now we have broken up I can't imagine those people rushed to my defence but looking back I wanted to make sure I tolerate the friends of any new flame a lot better.


Whats everyones experience? Sometimes it can feel like you're dating a whole bunch of other people rather than just one....

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