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Not sure where to pose this question, so I will try here. My girlfriend and myself have been looking at engagement rings. After looking around for a while, I think I know exactly what she will like. Now, the place I am getting it from has a woman owner who is good friends with her boss. I have been in to have a ring made and made the purchase. THe last time I was in her office, her boss gave me this funny grin and acts like she knows something I don't. So, there is almost a loss of the surprise because of that and me taking her out to look at rings (it is an important thing and she had a lot of opinions on what kind of ring she likes so I had to take her out for that part).


Now, I am trying to come up with something very romantic to pop the question to her. Something so that, even though she knows it is coming soon (because I am pretty sure her boss is going to blow a gasket if she doesn't say something), she will still have a moment she will remember forever as very romantic. I have a few ideas, but I am curious if anyone has any very romantic ways to propose. Thanks

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it must something personal, that would make it the most romantic thing you could do. incorporate things that are special and meaningful to the both of you, that is truer than any contrived "fancy dinner down on you knee" traditional kind of thing. unless, of course, that is exactly the kind of thing she would love. think of places you've went together and activities you've enjoyed together, inside jokes you have with her, foods and music and hobbies she loves, etc. even write a list if you have to, i'm sure that will make it easier and you will think of something!

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Hey bro the ideas are endless! it all depends on what is relevant to the two of you. u could take her to a ballgame or some sporting event and ahve them display her name with "Will U Marry Me" on the score board. You could get a blimp to do it for you and have it display in the air. Be creative man and think about whast special between the two of u. U could go to a restaurant where you first whent out on a date and have them bring a desert with the ring on there. Propose infront of a crowd or in front of both families. Have fun with it man, you only do this once (or hope to)!



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So far here are the ideas I have toyed with.


She really likes horses and has one of her own. One possibility was to take her to the coast (about 5 hours away) and rent a couple of horses for a beach ride and pop the question that way.


The second was to have a room at home that is filled with roses and candles (without looking spooky), and having a note on her dog's collar that tells her to go to the room. Time it with her coming home after something fun. I'm still working on that idea.


She really likes her horse(s), her dog, and we both ride dirt bikes (although there isn't much that is romantic about that).



Still putting together some ideas.

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If you were willing to spend, well, a lot of money... I know someone who proposed to their fiance by hiring a plane to sky-write "*Name*, Will you marry me?" in the sky. I can only imagine what it would be like to take her horseback riding on the beach, than laying on the sand watching the clouds, and then her seeing the message in the sky.


*Sigh* how romantic....


There are also ways to buy custom fireworks that say certain things.. that's an interesting thought...

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You should try to make it as impromptu as you can. If it is orchestrated in such a way that she sees it coming before you even begin to get the words out, then it may leave less of an impression. The comment about making it personal for the two of you is also right on. It's your engagement, make it be for the two of you. She is going to remember it no matter what you do.

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The horses does sound romantic. It's something memorable and personal. Also, try to think about a really special moment you shared. When did you first realize that you loved her and would consider spending the rest of your life with her? Try to recreate that moment and let her know how much it meant to you.

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Don't know exactly what her riding situation is like, but horses are definitely the way to go. I've got a horse too, and if she's up at the barn lots this might be a real "I never saw it coming" thing.


Do you go to the barn with her ever? Just to watch or play with the horse? If so, tell her you wanna go up with her and make like it's a usual barn trip u happen to accompany her on. Before this trip, you've gone to the barn on your own and tacked a folded paper note to the stall door that says "will you marry me?" (my barn does this folded note thing for things like farrier and vet bills, notes on feeding, etc.) so it would be totally unexpected, if surprise is what you're after?


Also you could have a cheap cooler-style horse blanket embroidered and put on the horse before you get there. That would be an awesome one, and she could keep the blanket forever! Let me know what you think.



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That is an awesome idea. I go out to the barns where she keeps her horse all the time with her (I am learning a little myself and I help with cleaning and lunging the horse, etc.). I considered something along the lines of proposing out there. We always go out on the weekends right now (as it is too dark and cold during the week after work) to spend time with the horse. I could have a horse blanket embroidered for her or do something along the lines of a note. I definitely think something involving horses (preferably her own) would be memorable.


Thanks for the idea. THat is awesome.

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