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Can you get pregnant if wearing a condom and......


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he was too small? Could the sperm have slipped through the condom?


I'm asking because I had sex yesterday and today i'm feeling really nautious and my nipples have been tingling & getting hard all day.. doesn't usually happen.


I just had a baby five months ago.. I really am scared.. not sure what to do?


The month before, my period didn't come til like 50 days because I had messed up with my birth control.. so based on an ovulation calendar, yesterday was my most fertile day.. I am so freaked out.. please help, any advice is good.

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if the condom isnt broken you are 99.8% not pregnant. if you are on BC & using condoms. even if you are not on BC anymore the chances are still very very slim. and i never had a baby but i doubt youd feel the effects of pregnancy the next day. i think youre gonna bug yourself out to the point where your period is late. then youre gonna freak out even more. just relax, & just b/c a man isnt 'big' does NOT increase his chances of inpregnanting you.



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you would not be feeling nautious from pregnancy one day after having sex.


DID the sperm slip through, or are you just speculating? did the condom come off?


there's not much chance for sperm to get through a condom--a 1% chance, really.


your nipples may be hard because you're ovulating???


are there emotional reasons you were feeling nautious? (didn't like the guy? he isn't treating you well, etc.?) what i'm saying is that the reaction could be induced by your feelings.

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as to the nauseous feeling...not to gross anyone out but if you had oral sex w/ him for the first time it could be that thats making you feel queezy. and if a couple weeks down the line youre still wiggin out over all this, take a P.test. but i assure you, you are more than likely NOT pregnant.



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You don't get symptoms of pregnancy after just a few hours. I'm not saying you can't be pregnant, but I *am* saying that the way you feel now is no indication. Your nauseousness is more likely nerves because you're so worried.


Also, as the others have said, his size has nothing to do with anything.


Wait a few days and see a doctor / get a pregnancy test.

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Thanks for ur advice, I really needed to see if what I was feeling was nerves or if I was crazy.. must have been now that i think about it.. there is no possible way I could be pregnant and if so that would be a miracle.. of a different caliber lol


Thanks again.. I'm closing this topic because i'm done worrying about something that is impossible.

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