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Father died, girlfriend gone cold


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Recently my father passed away. I live with my GF in another country, we have our ups and downs but generally she's a very caring person. She's been under tremendous work stress recently. I've had to come back to my home country to be with my Mum, arrange the funeral and deal with greedy relatives. Its been very stressful. I've been in contact with GF on the phone and net, somedays she's sad but ok, but 3 times since my father died she's been angry with me. Yesterday I called her, she'd called me the day before, and she tells me that she doesn't want to talk to anyone and Im needey. I texted her that we now need a period of separation as I feel she doesn't trust and respect me, and that I feel funny that she won't be attending my fathers funeral. She replied that she can't be there for me as she feels in a weakened state, and that's where we are today. I feel that I've not only lost my Dad, but am also losing my partner and home also....

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unfortunately, i think that you really learn about your partner when times of stress happen because you see how they act. It's easy to be lovey and happy when everything is roses, but how do they act when you are in trouble?


I'm very sorry to hear about your father, my condolences.

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