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My boyfriend was doing porn while we were together.

Destry Ann

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what....if you had read the OP you would of known her Boyfriend was making porn behind her back....i'd say that's a pretty clear indication of what the problem is lol


Also why don't people in this thread know the difference between watching porn and making porn??


If you would have read the thread you would have read the OP wrote he was doing porn which is not quite as clear as making, just wasn't the first thing that came to mind. In the end it doesn't matter when the porn was made, it is obvious the OP and her ex aren't even close to being sexually compatible, and it was good to find out sooner rather than later.

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He was living a double life for the most part of your relationship.


This really is the main issue, I think. I'm sorry, OP, that he threw all of this in your face during a break up. It just makes dealing with your emotions all the more confusing and painful, I'm sure.


I'm also sorry that some in this thread are taking umbrage at your description of the porn your ex was in as some sort of judgement on their own tastes.

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If you would have read the thread you would have read the OP wrote he was doing porn which is not quite as clear as making, just wasn't the first thing that came to mind. In the end it doesn't matter when the porn was made, it is obvious the OP and her ex aren't even close to being sexually compatible, and it was good to find out sooner rather than later.

Doing or making are just semantics luke. They are the same thing. The guy put her health at great risk and was cheating with various numbers of people. This is not about sexual incompatibility. I think you " misread" threads on purpose.

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You've had a terrible shock OP. Be kind to yourself. He obviously finds it easy to live a second life and lie to people. This is nothing to do with you, but everything to do with who he is as a person.


Get all the checks and make sure your health is good. A lot of porn companies have incredibly rigorous health checks, but nothing is 100% and it's always better to be certain.

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You're definitely right. Although I shouldn't have told him I was cheating also, I'm glad I did because it got him to tell me his other big secret. And yes I am so thankful I didn't marry or a baby with him.


This is a huge blessing in itself.


I'm so sorry you're going through this, but at least you can make a clean break without co-parenting or starting divorce proceedings.


This guy was living a lie by keeping such a HUGE thing from you -- his occupation may have affected your health! Not to mention his duplicitous and vindictive behavior will take time to get over emotionally. Ugh. Just horrible.. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. You had no idea what he was really up to.

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If you would have read the thread you would have read the OP wrote he was doing porn which is not quite as clear


Yes but if you had carried on reading then you would realise it meant making Porn, don't try and attack me because you didn't read something properly.


Done with you now

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Doing or making are just semantics luke. They are the same thing. The guy put her health at great risk and was cheating with various numbers of people. This is not about sexual incompatibility. I think you " misread" threads on purpose.


I misread at the beginning, too, and believe me it wasn't on purpose. Doing, I thought she meant he was using porn. Never occurred to me she meant making until I read further. Please give us naive folks a break.

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Yes but if you had carried on reading then you would realise it meant making Porn, don't try and attack me because you didn't read something properly.


Done with you now


I am another person who did not get the connection at first. The OP could have said he was a porn actor and we would have had the picture from the start. Oh and using paragraphing for clarity as well.


Anyway, it is good that she knows what he was doing. It begs credibility that he was cranking out a new movie every month and she thought he was other wise engaged. Most people in the industry make it clear with future partners just what they do for a living. As a result, many end up only dating those in the industry.


The OP needs to get tested and then count her blessings for getting away from such an unfaithful guy.

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Wow, that's just disgusting that he hid that from you and put you at risk of every STD under the sun, moon and stars. And that little tantrum of his where he showed you his films paints a very unpretty picture of a guy with serious emotional and mental issues. I mean, if you're a porn actor be upfront about it and accept that not everyone is going to be cool with it. Don't hide that, cheat to boot, and then get nasty when the partner you lied to says, "I'm outa heyere."


You dodged a massive bullet. Now run, don't walk, to the nearest women's clinic to get tested. Did you see any red flags before this all came to light or did he play the part of the squeaky clean guy? Just curious.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You're definitely right. Although I shouldn't have told him I was cheating also, I'm glad I did because it got him to tell me his other big secret. And yes I am so thankful I didn't marry or a baby with him.


Glad you got out of it. Dodged one.


You clearly deserve better and hopefully you find it soon. It is disgusting what he did.

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