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I messed up :(


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Right now I am giving him space he said we are okay he thinks but we need to discuss how we are going to rebuild the trust I lost.

He has to make the decision to get over it.


It sounds like you're doing everything in your power to show him that you're committed to the relationship and marriage. It'll sort itself out over time. Let him come to you when he's ready.

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Well he has come to the conclusion our 2 day fight on this subject was a little over the top. He apologized for it just going in circles and we have agreed that if a situation like that ever happens again that instead of responding I just tell the person that our conversations r over and to not contact me again. I have agreed to learn how to set proper boundaries for myself when it comes to people (personal and professional) and I am working on regain the trust that had been broken.


I thank everyone who comments and I apologise for all my overreacting or harsh comments that I may of said while I was stressed out. I am grateful to have found ENA! Without it I would of lost my mind those 2 days.

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Well he has come to the conclusion our 2 day fight on this subject was a little over the top. He apologized for it just going in circles and we have agreed that if a situation like that ever happens again that instead of responding I just tell the person that our conversations r over and to not contact me again. I have agreed to learn how to set proper boundaries for myself when it comes to people (personal and professional) and I am working on regain the trust that had been broken.


I thank everyone who comments and I apologise for all my overreacting or harsh comments that I may of said while I was stressed out. I am grateful to have found ENA! Without it I would of lost my mind those 2 days.


Yay! I figured he would come to his senses about this. I'm glad I was right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think you are very very lucky. Some dude asked you out and you said "maybe" to him. If I was dating someone who did that she wouldn't be my girlfriend anymore. You should of never ever said maybe. I do not care if you did not want to hurt some guys feelings or whatever but..saying maybe implies you entertained the idea. So yeah, if you love this guy why was your immediate answer to being asked out not "No"??

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