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Should I break up with my boyfriend


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Ive been dating my boyfriend for over 5 years now. We live in different cities, were not engaged, and were not even very serious. Hes a good guy and treats me good, treats my kids good, and I love him very much. But I don't see him very much. He got a new job about 2 years ago that requires hm to work 16 hr days and just doesn't have time for me or my kids. I try to be understanding, but its hard when I spend so much time alone. I want to be with someone who will be a part of my life and my kids lives every day. Someone to come over at the end of the day and watch movies with, go for a walk, go to bed next to. Its been 5 years with him, and I still feel like a single parent. I want to get married and share my life with someone. Im just afraid if I break up with him I will regret it and be miserable. Ive talked to him about it so many times and he keeps saying it will change and hes trying, but nothing changes. I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose a good relationship because I think "the grass will be greener on the other side." Hes my best friend, but I tired of feeling and being so alone and raising my kids alone. What do I do??

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That sucks It doesn't sound like things can change....if you've brought it up several times...it might be time to walk away. You could tell him that you need a timeline for when things will be different...like 3 or 6 months...and give real goals...like living in the same city and him working less.


The only thing is...if after 5 years he still hasn't proposed.....an you're still not living together....it doesn't sound like he's interested in more. It's time to cut your losses.

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Why have you chosen a relationship that can't get any closer?


Folks on ENA recently encouraged me that I can't get what I want unless I am willing to risk going for it.


Your relationship does not provide what you want. You have no evidence that it ever will. Do what you need to do within yourself to attract what you want and to be ready for him when he shows up in your life.


Something is holding you back, and it isn't your man (though you might choose to let him go as well).

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We lived together once before and were engaged, but when he took the new job and was gone all the time, we fought all the time, he moved out, and we broke up for a while. I bought a house by myself just recently, and now that were trying to work it out again, he says we cant move back in together because my house isn't big enough for him and his son because I don't have enough bed rooms. Plus he doesn't want to fight over his job and end up moving out again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Things got even worse as time went on. He began lying to me saying he was calling and texting me when he wasn't. Long story short, we broke up, and I am dating other people now. Thank u everyone for the advise. It really helped me put things in perspective getting a outside opinion

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