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Nearly 6 Weeks Later & I'm Finding Myself Angry Now


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Yesterday morning was awful for me as I was doing so well and had a bit of a crash. It's a shame as my support network were telling me a lot of positives things about why I should never reconcile with my ex girlfriend ever again as she was so immature and bad news.

However last night was my best time so far!

Anger replaced the sadness as the lies she said appeared to me. I'm at a point where I know I'll never contact and I'm pushing myself forward and telling myself not to see my ex ever again as I don't really need to.


Wow!! Where did that come from Hughie??!!


I've really no need to see her.

A lot of her stuff is here and because she currently has the upper hand (God, I'm trying to restore that balance quicker than she thinks) she'll think I'll move heaven and earth to see her.

I've actually asked my parents to come over while she picks up the rest of her stuff so I don't have to see that annoying face.


She is supposed to contact me later this week about meeting up but as I have initiated every contact since the split, I'll doubt that'll happen but and the way I feel this morning, I am ok about.


Is this what they call healing?

I bloody hope so....but I do recognise it's all baby steps.


I'm reading and reading again 'The Breakup Recovery Guide' and is so informative and I really want to be at the place this guide tells me to.


Thank you for reading.

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Yes, this is a part of the process... the anger, sadness, etc. And expect it to come in 'waves'. One day you'll feel okay but the 'urge' to want to talk again etc... expect that to return. This is just how you're feeling, today.

The missing her will come around again, then some sadness and anger..


Just keep at it. It takes time as you work on 'accepting and healing'.

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I really would like to stay this way as I feel a lot better but I know from experience that it's a long roller coaster ride.


I managed to get some stronger sleeping tablets yesterday from my doctor and I slept 8 hours last night.


I need to stay focussed as the jealousy returned a little earlier but I do feel a little better and maybe a bit stronger in how to handle certain situations.


My ex has moved on too fast!!!!

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Good luck too FF!!


We'll get there somehow, eh?!


I remember when my ex wife left me, it took about 10 months to get angry.

I'm into 6 weeks so I'm really pleased.

The reason why I am so angry is that we had the best evening together at the beginning of May and I was told the next day she really loved me.......but for a month previous to that she had met up with someone else a couple of times and she told me that they both like each other and that she cares for me....what, by having great sex with me and telling me she loves me??!!

Nice girl.....

I seriously think she still has feelings for me, albeit, not a great deal and like someone has said on another of my threads is that she could me weighing us up with the other guy. Once I digested this, it sounds about right.


I'm not putting up with this behaviour.

I've gone FULL NC, none of this 30 day or 60 day rubbish.

I'm doing stuff for ME now as I've lost my way over the last 5 weeks.

NC is for ME to rebuild.


I've blocked my ex on Facebook now and it feels great. I can easily go on there now without fear of seeing another picture of her out and about whilst I'm unhappy. I also blocked one of her friends.

Facebook is such a powerful tool and I didn't realise!!!!!

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