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Does my girl need to know this

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This is an interesting dilemma to me, my girlfriends ex called her last night but she didn't answer or call him back. She has told me all about him and what happened between them. Then this morining I get a phone call from my ex saying she wants to go get coffee. I told my ex a while back ago that I would always be her friend. To say the truth I will always have feeling twords that girl but it can never be. I cannot forget about her and I think she cannot forget about me. Like all thease other situations I like the girl that I am with and don't want to keep things from her. She was there when the phone rang and I was talking to the ex it but I think she was still sleeping so she doesn't know. I still care about the ex but I can't be there for her anymore, I still want to talk to her but that might be unfair to my current girl. I would never tell my girl that I still think about the ex. Has anyone been in a similar situation?

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I think most people have been in that situation.


People get lonely around the holidays, and that generally is a time when ex's call or want to get together or want to get back together.


I think telling your girlfriend might be unnecessary, I just wouldn't meet up with the ex if I were you. You have moved on, why put the strain on yourself and your current relationship?

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This is one of those situations where YOU have to decide what is best for your relationship. If you realize that you have feelings for your ex would you want to put yourself in a situation where something could potentially happen? On the other hand are you mature enough to realize that you can be just a friend to your ex? You need to think about this situation and come up with some sort of solution to your problem.

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Ice and Tickle have it pretty well set out. Usually the thing that iritates most people isn't the thing their b/f is hiding its that he was hiding it.


I'd say skip it -- otherwise, what's the point of being with the new girl? Drama? Tragedy?


But in the end, I'd be sure to let her know.


Also, I'd invite the new g/f.

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  • 3 weeks later...

THere is no point on holding onto the feelings you had for your ex if it didnt work out in the first place. Why linger on with it and be unfair to your current gf? How would you feel if you gf went to go get "coffee" knowing/not knowing that she still had feelings for her ex? Its about respecting others regardless of how much you love them or not.

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If you value your current relationship, don't go--and then tell your girlfriend that your ex had invited you for coffee but that you declined. That way, there's no way she'll ever come accross this info herself and draw the wrong conclusions about what actually happened.

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Let your gf know that your ex called and what she said. Honesty is best. But do not go. You said you still have feelings for your ex and that is not fair at all to your current gf. I doubt you'd be placed if the situation was reversed. You're holding on to old feelings and you need to let them go.

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