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Should I tell my boyfriend?


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We're both in our 20s, but we've only been dating for two weeks.

My boyfriend works out of town. He calls me every other night and we text regularly. I went out with some friends and something bad happened after I had too much to drink. I didn't cheat, not at all. But some really emotionally heavy things happened that night. And he can tell. He says he's noticed I've been acting weird (talking weird I guess since he's out of town). He's genuinely concerned. But I feel like it's much too early in our relationship for me to spill this on him. He might think I'm messed up.


I guess what I really want to know is, if something emotionally damaging happened to you while you were in the beginning stages of a relationship, would you tell your boyfriend/girlfriend what happened? I do plan on it eventually, but it's just so early in the relationship now..

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Yes I would, I'm not sure there's a right or wrong in this situation, but the thing is you can get a sneak peak on how he would handle such situation later down the road before you get too invested. I don't think much will change if you let time go by, except that you will feel somewhat trapped with your emotions.. But that's up to you to judge

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I didn't cheat, not at all. But some really emotionally heavy things happened that night. And he can tell. He says he's noticed I've been acting weird (talking weird I guess since he's out of town). He's genuinely concerned. But I feel like it's much too early in our relationship for me to spill this on him. He might think I'm messed up.


It's hard to say because I don't know what happened. If you think it would change his opinion on the relationship, you should tell him sooner rather than later.

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Talking to an astrologer will likely make your bf think you have more problems than you actually have. Otherwise....it would behoove you to share your evening

problems with him as he as ascertained already that some issue exists.

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Yes now I think you need to tell him what happened after you chose to get drunk. Do not blame it on the alcohol - you choose to drink so you choose the consequences. It sounds like you shared your feelings with a guy you are interested in. I would tell him that -I actually would leave out the part about being drunk when you first tell the story -simply tell him you now are confused about the relationship because of feelings you might have for someone else. The alcohol is irrelevant.

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