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question about guys' hair.


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from what i've noticed, most every girl in my general age group is attracted to guys with long hair. as in, hair that goes past the ears, usually to neck or shoulder level. i've lost a few potential dateable girls already to guys who have longer hair than me (my hair is pretty short) note that's not what i'm basing this on, i've talked to girls and they usually say guys with long hair are more attractive. i guess it makes them look older because i look like a 9 year old with my short hair.


what makes girls so attracted to guys with long hair? (i know it's not always this way but i am wondering) thanks for your input.

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Long hair is definitely very sexy. I recently saw this guy I hadn't seen in years. He used to be cute with short hair, but now it's almost shoulder length wavy hair...wow. Huge turn on. It shows he's more aloof, out of the mainstream, a little rebellous, and hmmm it's nice to be able to run your fingers through a full head of hair.

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Long hair... oh god. I feel like a prissy little princess saying this but the only word that can describe my feelings about that is ew. Anything that's long enough to cover their ears is just a bit too much, I think.


But then again, thats just my opinion, and I live in hippies-ville where guys who have long hair have hair longer than mine and are mostly stoners who can't be bothered to wash (or brush) it and have nits. So, um, yeah. I might be a bit biased. x_x;

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I think it really depends on if a guy can still look presentable with long hair. If a guy can pull off a mullet or a pony tail, then that's a good thing for them. If they look like trailer park trash, then it's not something that anyone, male or female, would really think highly of. Typically hair long enough to barely graze the top of the ears is the thing I'm seeing these days. But you can do so many things with long hair, shave the sides, grow the bangs over your eyes, almost anything these days. Eventually styles will naturally change anyways.

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EVERY girl is different in terms of what they like and long hair... isn't for every guy. For example... for those who watch sex and the city.. remember when carrie was first dating aidan and he had long hair and was just ew.. then they broke up because she cheated on him with BIG and she saw him at the opening of steve's bar and his hair was cut off WOW sooooooooo much better for him. Then there's people like Samantha's bf the younger one... he looked AMAZING with long and short hair. Then there's people like my ex who has long hair and when he cut it he looked really bad. Thus it depends on your faceshape if a girl thinks your sexier with long hair or without.

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I don't really like long hair on guys. Most of my guy friends have long hair, like down to their shoulders and some even have longer hair than that.


Some guys do look good with long hair. I do think my friends are attractive. I can't even picture them without their long hair.


I still prefer shorter hair than that though. My boyfriend sort of has shaggy hair, which is what I would prefer. Its not totally short, but its not past the ears. I love his hair. Every girl prefers something different. I mean, I know some of my girl friends who love long hair on guys, but all of us girls don't.


Don't worry too much about it. You will find a girl who likes your hair.

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Personnaly I think that long hair on guys is a thing of the past. Woodstock is over MAN! It was fashionable in the 60s and 70s but not today. Open a fashion magasin and look at our supper male models, most of them have short dark hair. Today, I think, girls like guys who are dark, tall and handsome. By dark I mean hair color. There is this guy in my school who has long blond wavy hair, well everyone keeps telling him to cut his hair. Once even the teacher said so. But it mostly depends on the persons face some people look better with long hair some people look better with short hair.

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It's who you are on the inside that matters. Wear your hair how every you want to. If someone truly cares about you, it shouldn't make a difference. To quote a song:


"Honey, I don't care. I ain't in love with your hair. And if it all fell out, well I'd love you anyways."

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  • 2 weeks later...

if your going for he short hair look, but think most girls you like are attracted to long hair'd dudes, go for an emo boy look.... still short, and shows similar rebellions tendencies to the long hair.... [cant spell that word and dont call me steriotypical..... also that word i cant spell]


lol, erm... hope that helped, yeah, get an emo boy hairstyle..

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What about spikey hair? I used to have long, but not like noticeably long hair... Like 8 inches long at most, and wavy, but it was starting to look messed up and, lol, well, you know what's the result of 6 months without a haircut. But like a couple of weeks after school had started I started to spike the top (after getting a haircut, lol). And then I started to spike my hair all around my head. Kind like this dude's: link removed

But I my hair is still black, lol, its natural color.


What do girls think about spikey hair like that?

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It's who you are on the inside that matters. Wear your hair how every you want to. If someone truly cares about you, it shouldn't make a difference. To quote a song:


"Honey, I don't care. I ain't in love with your hair. And if it all fell out, well I'd love you anyways."


Strongly agree.


Stop worrying about it all and just go with whatever hairstyle you like the most.


As for me, I have really short hair. I like having short hair because it's easier to take care of. LOL. Such a dumb reason but oh well.

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