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Suffering from passive suicidal ideation...what can I do?

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I have been feeling like an emotional mess. I graduated from college and have been unemployed for 6 months - employment is on the cards for me soon hopefully.


Lately though, I feel like my life has no purpose. I am not particularly passionate about anything; I've been losing interest in normal activities and I am extremely lonely. It doesn't help that I am the only child.


Even my best friend of 10 years has drifted apart which makes me feel even more isolated. To top it off, we had a sort of co-dependent friendship going on and now that she distanced herself from me,I feel worthless.


I've been hoping that I die in some way - though not through purposeful action on my part due to how my family will feel. When I am in a car, I hope it crashes and I die; or I am hijacked and shot; or even that I get cancer. It's extreme, I know, but it's how I feel.


What can I do to stop these feelings? It's debilitating.

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I think you should seriously look at trying some therapy? Maybe trying some anti depressents? How about going and talking to you dr?

You sound very low.. but things can and will look up again for you. Things can change in an instant.

What's going on today may not be the same, tomorrow.


Maybe look into other things YOU like? a hobby? sports? etc.

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