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Should I move on or keep trying?

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Ok..........so my bf and I were together for 4 1/2 years. We began our relationship living 3 hours away from each other, and for the first 2 1/2 neither of us could drive so we rarely saw each other, then I moved down here. I helped him get a job, a car, etc. His life is more on track as of the last year 1/2....however he always flirted with girls from work and talked about having sex, etc (we're both virgins btw so its not like he was out DOING it) but it bothered me. He would spend way more time talking/hanging out with them than me and I would fight with him. In general our relationship has been decent in my eyes, I love him very much and want to get married, but he dumped me 4 weeks ago. Problem is I still live with him, we still sleep in the same bed and he still wants to make out, etc But at the same time he likes this other girl and has been holding hands and talking about kissing her. She has a bf of 3 1/2 years and shes cheated on him like 500 times, yet hes really good to her. Why wouldnt she do the same to my ex?


Anyways...my problem is I still want him back but he says no b/c all we do is fight, but the reason we fought is over the girls! He tells me hes still in love with me and wants to be with me but it would never work. When i tell him im going to move home he says he doesnt want me to.


What should I do? All i do is cry over this, especially when hes out with the girls. I want to kiss him so bad b/c I still love him........but whenever we kiss i thinkhe wants me back and then im hurt when he doesnt



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Stop being played by him and move on. I think he's "doing it" with the other girl(s), and it seems he's already moved on from you. Except you're still around to give him a little of the good stuff, which may be enough to keep him around for now.


Whatever the case, he's only looking out for #1, and you're only going to get hurt in the process.


By the way, you're too young to be thinking about marriage. Wait until your late 20s or early 30s and see if you still think it's a good idea. I'm not sure that it is.


Good luck,


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I didn't want to marry him right now, just in the future. But now i dunno........i still want to be with him, but at the same time i don't.....its just hard. I gave up msot of my friends to dedicate my time to him, and now I have no friends left.............


i love my job down here and i cant really afford to just pick up and leave w/out a new one b/c of bills. I'm sort of stuck here.


Any ideas how I can get over him while still living in the same house?

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You're in a hard spot there. My advice: Start looking for a new job. You'll need to get out of there - or he'll need to get out of there. Do it soon.


And never, ever give up your friends for anyone else. You need your friends, and chances are if you treat them well, they'll be around a lot longer for you than any romantic relationship.


It will be hard for you for awhile. Especially seeing him and being around him so much - it will be hard to stop having feelings for him. But I think that's best, so the sooner you can free yourself, the better.


It's time for you to move on.



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Dont fall for his lil stupid tricks. He seems like a lil playa in my eyes. And if your so much in love with the wrong guy just wait til the right guy comes along....And you are to young to be thinking about getting married live your life and have fun.....and if he says you two fight to much and he doesnt want you its his lost....Dont get hurt by his games.


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Don't think about him. Think about you. It's obvious you need to get away from the guy, and definitely stop giving him physical contact of ANY kind. You need to get away, maybe you'll meet someone great...or maybe he'll come back to you a changed man and you'll live great together.


"Absense makes the heart grow fonder"

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To dream that one day he will wake up to see what he lost is only repeating the heartache. Each person only gets one shot in life – same goes in relationships. Don't hope for a return back to your past; rather look forward to a future of shared dreams with someone far more deserving of your attention. There are a lot more people out there far more beautiful and giving than what you had. Trust me because soul mates don't dump!

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