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Catty/rude friend or just dry sense of humor?


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I have this friend... I'll call her Beth.


She's one of my boyfriends good friends girlfriends, so that's how we met and formed a friendship.


We're not particularly close, but we do hang out and do stuff together every now and then.


Yesterday I hung out with her for a long time just me and her, it was really the first time we've done something like that. She said a few comments that were supposed to be jokes but they came accross as very mean spirited to me and I'm not sure if I'm just being overly sensitive or that's her type of humor or something.


So the comments. We went tanning together (in tanning beds, yes I know that's not healthy but I do it once in a blue moon). She was talking about how she's never tanned in a bed before and was wondering if she'd get sunburnt or not. Anyways, we get out and leave. She pokes my face and says "haha you're so red already and I'm not!!!" I'm just like um okay... It's not a competition to see who's skin bronzes easier? Idk. Just seemed weird.


We then went to get ice cream together. On our way back to my house I had already finished my ice cream, and she was still eating hers when we got to the house. My boyfriend asked her "oh, you guys got ice cream?" When he saw her with it. She says "yeah... But I savor mine. Bah is a big ol lard and ate hers all fast like a piggie"


This comment really pissed me off, because she knows how hard I've been working to get in shape. She knows how insecure I am about my body. So idk if that was her just poking fun at how simi-obsessed I am with losing these last few pounds, or if she was just straight being rude.

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That's what I was thinking mhowe. It just sucks cause she seemed like a nice girl up until this point.


When she said the ice cream comment my boyfriend gave me this "?!" Look and I kinda just shook my head and played on my phone a bit.


She also seems to like drama a lot after hanging out with her yesterday. All she did was gossip!

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I vote for rude, mean-spirited and jealous. Keep your distance and do not share any confidences with her or even mention anything about your boyfriend because she's bound to twist even the most innocent facts you share.


I have a feeling she would too! I won't share anything about him or our relationship with her. The girl certainly has a mouth on her.

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The tanning thing, I gave her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she's clueless and had a foot in the mouth moment. But calling you a piggie? Nope. Mean-spirited, definitely.


Yeah I let the tanning thing go too but when she said the lard/piggies comment I got very pissed and basically didn't talk to her until her boyfriend came and picked her up. She's also pretty overweight so it took all I had to be the bigger person and not say well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.

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