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My story is on here somewhere so I wont go into too much detail. I seem to have this real big problem, with obsessing over her. We were just friends, and then I wanted more..Now I keep going over and over in my head what I did wrong, wishing that I could just go back to being friends and having her around. My problem is that all I think about is her, it comsumes all my thoughts. Everyone gives me the same advice..;get out and get busy etc.' It all seems so easy, but I just cannot do it. I keep thinking maybe it will happen etc. I just want to be normal, seems like most guys would just go 'oh, well' and move on to the next thing.

Now with me slipping into depression, do you think that asking my shrink to put me on some sort of meds might help?

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Time heals. It heals you, and it heals her. I went through a similar situation back in university. I pushed her away, and ruined a great friendship. Years later I ran into her and she was genuinely happy to see me. I would not say that she is out of your life forever, but you definitely need to give her space, and time.


I also fell into a depression as a result of this (she was the first girl that I really loved ). It is great that you are in therapy. Just be open and honest with him/her, and see what they think about medication. Somtimes it can help "take the edge off", but these drugs need to be taken cautiously. They can take a long time to take effect, and improper use (sudden withdrawl, etc.) can have unfortunate consequences. Don't demand drugs from your shrink, but ask questions.

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  • 1 year later...

for people like you and I, no amount of "getting out there" is going to take your mind off of her (unless you meet someone new you really like but that's for another thread). All you can do is "do your time" and time will eventually make it better. I've tried the getting out there non stop, reaching out to friends, partying, and constantly not being at home and none of this stuff in itself eased my heart of her memory. Hell, even when I was surrounded by females just kicking back drinking and having good conversation I was STILL depressed about that one that got away.

For me the only thing that does it is time.

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