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how can i get him to leave me alone!?!???

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ok i met this guy nick a while ago through a friend ... i knew from the moment i saw him he wasnt my type ... i told him right away i wasnt looking for a b/f ... we hung out a few times and than he just asumed we where going out ... after hanging out i knew even more that i didnt like him like that ... so after he told me we where dating (even though i didnt know lol) i didnt answer his calls and didnt see him for a while (figuring hed be like o she doesnt want to talk to me ill leave her alone) ... than he showed up at my house and he was like whats going on yada yada yada ... so i told him i just wanted to be friend but we could still talk .... he was really upset ... so than he kept calling and we hung out again 1 time and it was worse than ever ... now its not just that hes just not my type this guy is really messed up my mom had to tell him i was in florida for a week he wouldnt call me a million times a day ... so anywho ... what it comes down to is ... i want to get him to leave me alone but i dont want to be mean about it ... you have any ideas or suggestions?

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i think you should tell him yer a lesbian lol

well - don't because that will ruin yer rep unless you are SHAWN (something u wanna tell me)



When you get back from florida, lol make yer mom answer the door crying saying you met someone there and you're staying w/ him, or her.


LoL or just sit him down and stop being a puss and tell him how u feel

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There is no way to tell him how you feel and get him to leave you alone without beeing "mean" or hurting his feelings. You just have to sit him down and say that you dont like him likee that, but yoiur fine with being friends. And that youll call him if you want to talk to him. And make sure that, if you do want to stay friends that is, that you call him in two weeks (no sooner or hell think you like him). Unfortunently, because he's created a whole relationship between the two of you in his mind, he will be broken up, but just be understanding and say your really sorry that you led him on. Make sure you make it sound like your the one to do something wrong, it will make him take it easier.

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This guy sounds obsessed with you and it sounds scary. Did anything physical happen with the two of you that could make him think that you were starting a relationship?


If not, then this sounds like it's all in this guy's head. I would call him when you get back from FL and tell him that you two need to talk. I would tell him that you can't be in a relationship with him like that because you still have feelings for your ex and things aren't totally over with him. Tell him you don't want to see other guys right now and that you are flattered by his interest. Hopefully that will be enough and you won't have to get mean.


If things get out of hand you might have to be a b*tch! 0X

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  • 1 year later...

I hate to say it...but a long long time ago...I was that guy...in some ways (not all)


I still suffer at remembering how I lost my friendship with that girl that you are right now, even though it has made me a much better person.


please try to salvage what you can from your acquaintance-ship *I hope thats a word*.


Don't make him have to go through what I've gone through if you can help it. If you know his AIM screenname or whatever...I'll talk to him for you.



but if you want to solve this quickly and I can't blame you...tell him that the manner in which he is acting in is beneath him and that he is better than that, that you don't like him in "that" way and that there is no use trying to generate interest, and that you would like to have him as a friend...nothing more and nothing less. The transition, I imagine, will be very VERY awkward but it will (I believe) be worth it.


If you can solve this without crushing his spirit, I think you'll both be winners.

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