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Hello everyone, school is over for me and well, I don't have any friends. Christmas is coming up but I don't have any family. Then there is new year's eve. I'm pretty much alone and...it just completely sucks. Sigh, life isn't very exciting right now.

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Do you have a job? Sorry, thats rather blunt, but maybe a source of friends? You can always ask those of similar age, even if you dont really like them that much what theyre up to. Maybe youll like one of their friends? Maybe go to a local bar sometime in the middle of the week and make friends with the bartenders/waitresses. I don't know where in Virginia you live but I know there's tons of bars in northern virginia, and your bound to find someone at one of those bars. Its tough to be one of those people that goes to the bar on your own, but often if your willing to share your story, the bartenders are willing to listen (trust me as a past waitress, the ones williing to share are the ones that get better service and the ones that we remember). And the more times you show up, the more likely the bartender is to introduce you to someone else who just happens to be there that night.


Not one to promote drinking, which is not what I'm suggesting, but just go out and meet people. If parties or drinking arent your thing, try joining a club or volunteer group. If your into animals, join the local animal shelter. Or whatever your thing may be. No better way to meet others that to join a group that shares your interests. Good luck!

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Hey, I know how it feels to be lonely and the holidays can especially get you down. But don't let it get to you. Joining a club or volunter group is a good way to meet people. Especially around this time of year, volunteering is a great idea. You can give back to the community and maybe help make someone else's holiday less lonely. Plus you can meet plenty of good people there who also believe in helping others and giving back. Good luck.

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