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Always trust your gut.


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Just dropping in to say THANKYOU for this thread. A couple of weeks ago I had to walk away from a situation similar to yours and was struggling with the idea of contacting him again.

Reading your experience has really helped me put the last nail into that coffin and move forward.

So thankyou. Good luck on your next date!

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Just dropping in to say THANKYOU for this thread. A couple of weeks ago I had to walk away from a situation similar to yours and was struggling with the idea of contacting him again.

Reading your experience has really helped me put the last nail into that coffin and move forward.

So thankyou. Good luck on your next date!


Glad it helped you!

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It's funny dating seems a lot like buying a house! lol My sister is house shopping right now and she kept telling me about his house and that house and she said she liked them all but when we walked in the right one for her she just lit up...I said this is what it's like! It was like she didn't know what it was like to really like something....I think I got that way with dating after a while...I wanted to like them all I wanted them all to work. I had so much hope I had no idea what was really right for me. I think you knew this wasn't working but you really wanted it to work. It happens to all of us, sweeite it stinks but it's pretty normal. Keep looking adn you'll find the one you just know is working.


I've been out with the same guy 3 times now and honestly it just hit me that he could be right for me...and you know what he is similar to my ex.....but it's like those are just the people I gel with...I think I was actually fighting that for a while thinking I was sure to get hurt. Maybe I still will. I think this thread was very timely. I don't plan on climbing into bed with this guy until we have some sort of talk...that pretty much guarantees that is won't be 4 months before we discuss it.

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So I'm having this stupid and a very unhealthy fantasy that he is going to call and see how I'm doing. I know he won't and I know it would not be a good thing if he did.


Sigh, I keep thinking about our frost date. We spent six hours just talking. I've never had a date go so well before.


I'm mad at myself for sleeping with him before talking about where we were going as a couple. I've never done that before but took a chance this time and it bit me in the rear.


I just wish things had been different. I wish I had talked to him sooner, I wish he had been honest with me, I wish we had both been in a place where it could have worked.


Sorry for the rambling. I'll go hours being totally fine and then sadness with just hit me. I think this is a good place to unload that.



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damn MT, you've got some dating endurance...



dating 1 girl at a time is sometimes too much for me lol



although all have been busts so far, maybe 4 times a charm.




My 4th tinder date was the winner, so maybe you'll be lucky with the same statistics. Sounds like you're doing better

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Redline, I can only imagine! That's one of the reasons I always suggest coffee or drinks. I feel really bad if a guy spends a bunch of money on dinner or whatever if it turns out I'm not interested in him.


BigKK, its just one date at time, right? Not like I'm see all these guys over and over again. All have been one date flops! Lol.


So, I decided to take the night for myself, went to gym for about an hour, came home and vegged out on nexflix, took a shower and was planning on doing some reading. The problem is I suddenly feel really lonely. Its friday night. And I don't have plans...

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