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Interested in co-worker


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So there's this girl from my work in another department and we've chatted a number of times. I'm interested in her and I think she knows this but I'm not 100% sure if she is as she's quite friendly/chatty to most people. When we do chat it's on the shop floor and there's almost always others around so I've felt uncomfortable asking her out/number if other coworkers might be listening and while we're both busy working. (Now I know it's generally bad to date a coworker but she's told me she's resigning in a few months so I figured it shouldn't be too much of an issue). So I did ask if she has facebook (as I thought that might be a good way to chat in private) and she says she does but doesn't log in very often, so it might be her way of telling me I'll be wasting my time?


No sure how to proceed and any ideas would be appreciated.

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(Now I know it's generally bad to date a coworker but she's told me she's resigning in a few months so I figured it shouldn't be too much of an issue).


When she resigns ask for her number and start dating her after she leaves. Otherwise you've got strong potential to damage your own rep on the job--and that's difficult to live with every.single.day.



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When we do chat it's on the shop floor and there's almost always others around so I've felt uncomfortable asking her out/number if other coworkers might be listening and while we're both busy working.


I think if it feels uncomfortable talking to her, then you shouldn't be trying to date her right now. Wait until she actually resigns.

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I think if it feels uncomfortable talking to her, then you shouldn't be trying to date her right now. Wait until she actually resigns.

It wouldn't be uncomfortable if we both were talking outside of work, but we haven't had the opportunity, yet. Hence, the facebook thing I mentioned.

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I agree. Although, I'd also argue that technology has made everything lazy these days.


I personally have tried to fight that in my relationships. I told my bf I am not much of a texter. We didn't text at all in the first few months and not much more after that. We talk on the phone and in person. We don't often have miscommunications because of texts. It's all good.

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We don't often have miscommunications because of texts.

Yup too easily misconstrued and I hate it when girls have conversations with me via text and only seem to call when they want you to do them an 'urgent' favour.

Also, don't even get me started on facebook...ugh.

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Yup too easily misconstrued and I hate it when girls have conversations with me via text and only seem to call when they want you to do them an 'urgent' favour.

Also, don't even get me started on facebook...ugh.


I can't even find my facebook password lol. My bf and I have been together for years and we aren't even facebook friends. No fuss, no muss.

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I can't even find my facebook password lol. My bf and I have been together for years and we aren't even facebook friends. No fuss, no muss.

Yeah I don't even see the point of being a facebook friend with your bf/gf/wife etc other than flaunting your relationship to others. My experience with facebook and dating (not even breakups) is that it's created more drama than good.

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