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What I want to say to my ex's new girlfriend.


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To love her like I did :

Hold her. Hold her so ing tight she'll feel like her insides are going to burst out. She pretends that she hates it but she doesn't, trust me.


When she's in the bath, let her be. She loves the bath. She likes relaxing. When you see that she's almost done, offer to wash her back. She loves that, trust me.


When she's sleeping and takes all the blankets, don't worry about stealing them back from her. She gets really hot in the middle of the night and she will end up throwing them on you anyways. She may seem angry when she does it but she isn't, trust me.


When she's upset, don't ask her over & over what's wrong - she'll eventually get annoyed and not tell you at all. Give her time and she'll end up telling you, trust me.


When you guys are laying in bed and watching tv, massage her. I'm sure she'll complain about her sore back and headaches and you'll eventually get tired of hearing it so she'll have too much pride to ask for a back massage. Don't wait for her to ask, massage her. Trust me.


When fixing her a plate of food, make sure her food doesn't touch one another.. actually just give her separate plates for each ing item she has. She'll pretend like she doesn't care, but inside she's freaking out. Trust me.


When tickling her, don't try the usual spots that make people cackle. Tickle her inner thigh and her rib cage. She'll lose it in a matter of seconds, trust me.


If you say a joke and she doesn't laugh - don't get insulted. She has a dry sense of humour and don't worry she still loves you, trust me.


When she tells you "I'm fine" she isn't, she really isn't. She's upset about something. Don't force it out of her but let her open up to you. That's all she wants, trust me.


When she's cleaning, make sure everything that's breathing stays clear out of her way. She gets frustrated and you don't want a frustrated girlfriend on your hands when cleaning, trust me.


She'll try and tell you that she hates kids, but I've seen her face light up at the sight of my godson yawning. I've seen her smile at countless infants. Don't believe her, trust me.


When you make love to her, she keeps her eyes open. Don't think it's weird, she loves that connection. Make sure you tell her she's beautiful during and don't even ing forget to tell her you love her. She craves that, trust me.


Make her take her makeup off from time to time. She's so ing insecure she doesn't think she's beautiful without it. She definitely is, trust me.


When she's in her crazy happy mood. Let her be. Sing out loud with her, dance with her. She's always caught up in her head, she needs this. Trust me.


Don't ever rush her. She hates being under pressure. Let her take her time even if she's complaining that you're being slow. Trust me.


Spend a whole day in bed watching movies with her. She might get restless but don't let her get up and do something. You get it for her. She's always doing everything for everybody else... She needs this. Trust me.


What else can I tell you? Tell her you love her every single day. Make her feel appreciated. Hold her hand in public, kiss her everywhere.She likes her coffee with milk, sometimes black.


Trust me. She didn't and that's why she's with you. But you should. Make her happy, she deserves it.


Trust me.

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This is stemming from your knowledge... your experience. Keep it as that. This is for you to know and the new one to find out....


Same as any other emotion we have..the sadness, denial, confusion, lonliness... and venting.


Keep this for yourself... things will change, in time.

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This is stemming from your knowledge... your experience. Keep it as that. This is for you to know and the new one to find out....


Same as any other emotion we have..the sadness, denial, confusion, lonliness... and venting.


Keep this for yourself... things will change, in time.



I definitely won't. I wrote it here instead of sending it to her

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