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New Year's Eve, and he's all over me...


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Hey, well it's all a bit messy and weird. This guy I've liked since year 10 (we now go to different colleges) have been on and of talking for months, and even more so recently. I invited him to my house before a friends nye party and we hung out all night, but before we left I asked him if he was going to get drunk and her replied with 'no, cause it don't want to do something I'll regret' (alarm bells went off) when we got to my friends party we stayed together for the most of it. Then we also had a New Years kiss, and made out in a single bed before we went to sleep. We were both a bit drunk but after we had made out for a while, I said 'any regrets' and he replied with 'non at all'. The next day he was being flirty through text so I asked him what was actually going on, and he said he just wanted to be friends. Then today (3 days later) we were being really flirty through text and we planned to go to the cinema together. But apparently it's just as friends... I'm so confused... Please help

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If you don't want to "just be friends" then you need to cut this off. He made out with you. You mutually consented. It didn't mean that he wants to be with you - he just meant that he didn't regret fooling around with you. It was pleasurable. But he is telling you he only wants to be friends. If you want more - stop flirting back and don't go out with him. Find someone who wants more.

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