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g/f being harrased by a gang leader

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Ok.. I have a long distance relationship with a girl. She has a guy in her class who is the brother of a gang leader, and every one's scared of him, and no one ever argues with them, bla bla bla.


Anyways, the guy (gang leader's bro) is sort of harrasing her. He, umm, spanked her once and told her she had big boobs, and also grabbed her a** in the last few days..lol . Now considering the fact that I don't live near her, I can't do anything. And even if I was over there I'd still prefer not to get beaten up by a gang leader .


Anyways, its pretty depressing when she tells me about all that and I can't do anything about it. She's too scared to argue with him. She told him he shouldn't be doing this, but she wasn't firm about it so he only took that as a joke.


So, how do I stop this? Whats the best option? I know she won't get the cops for that, so what else should I do? or tell her to do?


Your opinions are most appreciated.

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This is a really difficult situation... It also sounds to be quite delicate...


The thing is, I live in the U.K. I assume you're talking about the U.S.A., and so I'm not sure of the mechanics over there, but over here, the mentality of the type of person you described, this 'gang leader', is such that if you don't act quickly and decisively, something bad could well happen.


In my opinion, the first thing you should try and do is get your g/f to tell someone that she's being harassed.


If that's no dice, you'll have to tell someone for her... It'll be worth her being mad at you for a week, to stop something potentially terrible happening.


XxX xXx

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tell her to tella teacher or someone in a high place. i doubt the cops could do all that much because they're not around her all the time like her teachers/principal is. if it happens outside school, she should call the cops or tell some adult close by. i'm assuming this "gang leader" is about your age, maybe 17 or 18 or something... he may seem tough but i firmly believe that anyone under 20 years old is just acting the part and really isn't all that scary.

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I agree, you better get moving fast before those guys think they move in on ur girl. Personally, I think she's taking this situation too lightly and they way you described how she confronted him will send mixed signals to this guy who may think that she's in to him and just playing hard to get.


This is how a lot of rapes happen so you make sure tell someone a.s.a.p. before it does happen.

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I was TRYING to avoid the word rape...


But, however, Angelus is right...


This is the kind of situation that starts out lightly, and all ends in tears...


Do something quick.


*Note* If she lives down near me, I can try and get hold of her for you? If you can't contact her.


PM me.




XxX xXx

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Alright this is going to sound retarted but i live in miami and have lots of experiance with this type of thing, what you havta do is go TALK to this guy, just let him know that shes your girl and you dont appreciate him messing with her...do it in a non threatining way and if hes really a "gang leader" he'll respect this and won't bother her again, now if hes a posur (which most are) he'll probally get pissed at you and try starting somthing, which could be bad because posurs while not to much of threat themselfs...tend to know lots of people.


now my experiance is moslty with haitian gangs so i dont know what the deal is in the UK, any info on this gang?

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I can relate with that bc we have a problem with haitians down here in the Bahamas as well. Trust me it's usually degenerates and low-life scums who think ppl should feel sorry for them. If he kicks up, go to the authorites have him and his punk a** gang friends brought down. Don't let them intimidate you bc one-on-one many of them cannot fight by themselves. You do however wanna start taking martial arts class though.

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This sort of scum is rascist, nationalist, and belongs to the social 'elite' *I.E. scum of the U.K.* group, known as 'Townies', or 'Chavs'.


A problem oft encountered, because these people think that while they have their 'gangs' or 'crews' around them, they can do anything they want to anything/anyone.


I myself lead a similar 'crew'. Although, we are the exact opposite. My 'gang' comprises of goths and rockers, and we do everything we can to keep these people in check. *I like violence *^_^**


The 'Chavs' wear lots of Nike, Adidas, and listen to weird R'n'B-style rap music.


In this case, I wouldn't start taking a martial arts class.... I would, however, recommend boxing... *I'm a blackbelt in both Kendo and ZenChaun, so me putting down martial arts is a big thing!!*


Either kick this guys' ass... Or get your girl away from there... fast...


Just tell someone..


XxX xXx

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