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90 Day Workout Challenge...Who's in?


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Yeah I feel like I may have lost some muscle too, but I'm not really sure. My clothes still fit the same, but the scale says I lost like 5 lbs. I think that's from when I was cutting. I think between now and like March 1st I'm going to bulk up some more, and then start cutting for summer.


And yeah, I avoid dairy and sugar like the plague too.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Figured I'd revive this thread and see if anyone else was still with me


Still trying to do 1-2 short workouts daily - weekends are problematical, and I also had lighter on/off times during the holidays when the kids were over.


Not sure in inches what my progress is, but I've lost about 10 lbs, and stepped up my workouts considerably. Clothes definitely fit more loosely. And still eating much healthier.


How's everyone else holding up?

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Meh...haven't been doing that great with working out...I think I've been averaging two times a week. I just haven't been as into it...I usually struggle between December and January, but get my footing back in February. I have a hard time consistently hitting the gym when it's so cold out and it gets dark at like 4pm. I may just give myself off until February, and then start up again that month. I tend to do this every year, and from February and on I'm pretty consistent.


But I have been keeping my diet on track at least!

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I'm doing decently on the diet portion. It can be difficult when everyone else eats "normally" and I'm the only one living the mostly veggie life though. Hubby means well, but he'll want me to eat out or he won't. Sure, I can find low CALORIE options, but they're not always low fat or carb, or all that healthy, for that matter. So I could probably chant salad-nocheese-dressingontheside in my sleep now. "just one splurge won't hurt" may be true - but - it really kills my willpower unless it's my one item a week planned one.


In my area, produce, even things normally "cheap" like squash and spinach, are pretty expensive. And there's not a ton of variety (i'm in the desert southwest.)


On the bright side, I'm not even WANTING much carb wise (bad carb wise) now. Though I do get the occasional urge for McD's french fries, which I firmly squash.


I'm averaging about 5 days a week working out - but it varies how much. Some days I'm gung ho and hit the gym 2-3 times, others I plod through the morning workout and the afternoon one doesn't happen.


I'm determined today will be a 2-3 timer - already made hubby's dinner for work tonight, so I can run out between errands this afternoon and again on the way home from taking him to work.


Woo... hoo?

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I'm baaaaaaaack!!!! Omg I have soooooo been slacking....sad since I started this thread, but I am ready to hit it hard again. I agree with you MCJD that winter time is tough to get motivated. It's dark out early, and just icky. Still.....no excuse.


So today I did an awesome workout. Bought my groceries for the week, got my protein shakes. I'm ready to rock...

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See, for me, summer is the worst. It's so stiflingly hot (120+) that it's really hard to get motivated to sweat any more than necessary So come summer, you'll be seeing me slack, no doubt.


However, I have a goal to look fabulous and head east for a week this summer to visit my daughter and grandbabies - so we'll see if that keeps a fire under my rump.

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Of course not - I know I could use the boot to the rump to keep going.


It's been a crazy (and therefore lazy) week for me. I did really well through Friday/Saturday, but this week, I've been a complete slacker.


Kept with the healthier eating, but blown the working out.


I'll try to remedy that tomorrow!

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  • 2 weeks later...

UGH - I have been a horrible, horrible slacker this week.


That will end tomorrow, come heck or high water. I'm dragging, more tired, and feel bloated even though I've gained no weight and know I'm healthy enough.


So starting tomorrow, it's back to the gym.


This week's weather didn't help. It's been in the mid to high 80's... in Feb???? It's supposed to be 65-70 or so for our normal!!! ARGH. So no a/c being on and house being in the 90 degree range hasn't exactly been the most inspirational or motivating thing to work out this week.


But I'm determined to get back in the saddle this week. Here goes nothing!

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  • 4 weeks later...


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