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Very touchy subject no bashing please


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I have recently found out I am pregnant, normally I would be thrilled but this was unplanned. I was on a birth control that was recalled for not having enough hormones and my bf used a condom but broke. It seems that this was meant to happen but we don't agree. My bf has 3 kids from before and I have 1 plus we have 2 together, so we are raising 6 kids together. My bf and I work a lot to support our family, we don't have the time,room,energy, or support to have another one. We decided on an abortion, something both of us didn't want to do. I have a appointment on the 19th and I will already be 2 months by then. I'm having conflicted emotions but this was more of my decision then his. It's just something I have never thought about or approved of. In my head I'm trying to get prepared but I've had ppl tell me there's other options but I couldn't do that. My last pregnancy was hard, I was on bed rest for the last 2 months and I get sick a lot . If I'm sick and on bed rest how can I support my children, ughh idk it would be nice to hear from someone who was in this situation before. And please don't make me feel bad about my decision

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I have personally had an abortion My situation was very different I was really young and it was just the only option my ex and I could go through because we were in no way ready to support a child let alone struggling to support ourselves. It was a little rough, especially the ride to the clinic and being in the waiting room but the place I went to was very supportive and non judgmental I know I made the right choice and I don't feel conflicted about my decision anymore. You in your heart knows what's right and what's best it sounds like this is your best option. As for the procedure I had no physical pain, I was

Put under and woke up feeling just a little woozy from the anesthia I rested the whole day and carried on with my life the next day (went to work etc).

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