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Anybody here watch "Orange Is the New Black?"

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Lesbian is a woman who is only interested in other women in a romantic/sexual/seeking a partner way. Homosexual is a man who is only into men for romantic/sexual purposes. Bisexual applies to both men and women and it means they can take a romantic/sexual interest in both those of the same and opposite sex--i.e. a bisexual woman could fall for and/or have sex with both men and women.

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So, a "straight lesbian" is another word for a bi-sexual woman, that perhaps leans a little more towards men?


By the way, in the show, the lead character had a relationship with a lesbian, got engaged to a man several years later, then resumed the relationship with the woman again in prison as they were both busted for a previous crime they committed together (before you say that is far-fetched, it is loosely based on a true story).

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