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Last Things Youd Ever Say To Ex

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Hello enotalone


Well Ive posted my story here an there but very small bits and rants. I been meaning to fully disclose everything in one big thread but I guess I feel like its not time. Since my break up with my ex gf cheating then leaving me of 2 years, and its been a month and three weeks since then and also about 6 days since no contact as she changed her number (Which helped me actually but still hurts a bit). Anyways Ive done things to help me move on since then. Deleted all pictures and removed a lot of things that were even owned by me but I had also shared with her I gave away because I just couldn't stand looking at it. I moved from my apartment back into my parents house (Im 23, she just turned 21). I believe I have finally done lots of things necessary to get her off my mind and to accept hers and my faults and move on. Its been my 4th break up and only one of those break up hurt so bad that it hurt me for over 2 years guess cuz she was my first love.


This one we even lived together in my apartment for 1 year. Lots can happen in one month let alone a year. And just two of those ex girls came back within 1-2 month, this one I don't see coming back. Had a nasty break up. Ended up changing her number which I thank her for. I had lots of faults in my relationship also. Anyways the whole point of it all is I believed to have the last bit of things that I feel like she should have and the last things I found and had of hers. It was a college class book, a mug that had a pair with it that we would drink coffee together with and also a Christmas card that she gave me with a gift she gave me during Christmas. It even said "With all that's happened we'll be ok, just have to look on the Brightside". I know the card well theres different views on what I should do but regardless Im going to give it to her. I gave other cards that she gave me back early post break up so I guess it wouldn't be nothing new. Im thinking since she changed her number. 6 days since she did so and I accept everything now I guess. I prolly will not hear from her ever again.


Im planning to change my number also. Stupid, I know. But I don't care, if she ever did come back I want her to know ive moved on as well. so when she calls I wont be there. I think it would be good if I can do it asap before she tries to reach out to one day someday never. I want to tell her the last things Id ever want her to know cuz Ill never see her again if not for a very long time. Despite all the things that happened between us. I wasn't the best boyfriend. She cheated on me. I lied, she lied. I hurt her, she hurt me. A month after we broke up I saw her at the club dancing with her ex. She went back to her physically abusive ex before me. I still love her. As all my past and future ex as well. That's just how I am, I don't like to leave bad blood. Even though her cheating I might not ever able to forgive her let alone forget but sadly I think Ill still care. That's just love to me I guess. I mean one of my exes we went out 3 times over a period of like 10 years.


Anyways what are your guys thoughts, suggestions. Im thinking I am going to write a last words letter but I want to do it this weekend. Drop off her stuff and a letter inside. Then never look back, focus on me and my future with other girls the one deserving of me and me deserving of her, and be happy again like I have done so before with my other exes. What have you guys have said in your last words forced or voluntarily the last things said between you and your exes. How long was it after that they THEY contacted you somehow? Anybody have same situation where they changed their number? How long till after your last conversation that you bumped into them in public? Nice things you'd say to them even if they hurt u? Anything is welcome, thanks =).

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I think you are being a bit over dramatic with wanting to change your number, etc... Why allow someone to have such power over you that you need to do all of this. There are plenty of other women out there so start focusing on yourself and becoming a better person and move on. When you are ready, you will find a better woman. Life is short, so use your energy to live the life you want. If you want a life of an unhealthy relationship that lacks trust and respect, then try and get her back and wallow in your sorrow. The choice is yours. you do what you want, but writing out some sappy letter is most likely going to make her lose even more respect for you...in which it doesn't sound like she had much to begin with. Seriously, man up...get your self-respect back first and I think you will be in a better place.

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Yeah last letters and returning items is not a good idea..I know how you feel though. When I got my heart tore out and dumped I thought for weeks about pouring it all out into a last letter for her. Every time I got depressed and missed her or my old life I thought about that letter and stuff I would say, over 2 years later and I'm really glad I never did lol. It really is best not to tell them or try to show them you are over them...just BE over them and it feels so much better. It's a long painful bumpy road though so hang in there.

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NOOOOOO. Don't do it! When someone actually changes their number because of you then THEY DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Stop holding on to this cheap excuse of returning her worthless crap that she probably doesn't give two sh*ts about and throw that junk away. Your letter won't accomplish anything, but make her resent you more for being a clingy, weak weirdo who won't take no for an answer.



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I'm with leq and bwhite00. Don't do it.


By doing nothing, you risk nothing...including personal regret. It shows personal strength and integrity to just keep those last words to yourself. You'll feel like an idiot when you realize you've cast pearls before swine. Bible says not to do that. But what the hell do I know? I'm Buddhist.

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