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My boyfriend broke up with me a month and a few weeks ago. We haven't talked at all for probably 3 or 4 weeks. He made is clear for me to stay out of his life. Today, I was walking to my locker and he goes "oh, that reminds me" and I thought he was talking to himself, so I kept walking and he goes "hey... hey" and he keeps saying "hey" so I knew he was talking to me but I didn't respond, I just flat out ignored him. If he would have said my name, I would have turned around... but I didn't. Then when he realized I wasn't turning around he's like "Whatever, f*** it."

Was it wrong of me to not talk to him? My instincts told me to keep walking.

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i think u did! cause if he made it clear he wanted u out of his life or something, ur just doin what he asked. I bet it bothered him that u ignored him. He probably feels stupid. If it was the important he will try to get in contact with u again. But i think it was good, ur just doin what he asked right?!?!

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You did the right thing.


I know how it is going to school with your X. It does stink. Whenever I see my X I ignore her as well, even though she's constantly looking over at me and such when we cross paths. My gut is telling me to stay away from her as well.


If he really had something to tell you, then he will find a way. Plus, just yelling "hey" constantly & not even recognizing you by name is disrespectful. Stay away from him & keep ignoring him. I know it will bug him, it bugs my X as well. But in the end, we have to protect ourselves.

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I so have to agree with the above postings. You really did the right thing with walking on and not reacting. If he really had wanted to talk to you for whatever reason, he could have approached you with your name and talked to properly, instead of running after you just saying "hey..."


Had it been something important that he wanted to say he would not just have turned around say, "whatever...". Apart from that, what reason would you have to listen to him if he made it clear that he does not want you to talk to you?! I don't know why he thinks he can treat you that way...so better show him he can't!


Sometimes we really can trust our instincts, and in this case it may have indeed been better to stay away from him in order to protect yourself. You really did the right thing, don't worry!

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I agree, don't go out of your way to talk to him. If you notice him in the hallways again, perhaps give him a smile and say hi, and if he still wants to talk to you he should initiate something. Try not to tear yourself up too much about everything though, you were only doing what you thought he wanted you to do.

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