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Thanks unknown and brown eyed girl I'm glad someone sees my side on this! Everyone else seemed to completely miss my point.. It's not the rejection, I wasn't even too keen on him, it's just the rudeness. I dont see why rudeness is acceptable.


One thing i will say though is that it probably affected me particularly badly this week as I had a few knock backs in other areas of my life. Most of the time I can just turn a blind eye but who doesn't feel a bit down when they've had a **** day and it feels like one knock back after the next after the next.


Thorshammer to put things in perspective with my ex... HE contacted me wanting to meet up. I was intrigued as to why he wants to meet up as I haven't really got time for him if it's to mess with my head. Twitter stalking was me trying to ascertain why he's so keen to meet, I haven't contacted him for months. In fact if I'm needy I'd ask my ex's opinion on that. I'd be willing to put money on the fact he'd say I'm not. He broke up with me and I just disappeared.

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Truthfully you should have gotten the hint with the first "no reply." Typically, the guy does the follow up/initiation after the first date, and if you don't hear from them, assume they are not interested.

Rarely would a man have the courage to tell you - to your face and during the date - that they don't like you. Men tend to lie and say something like "I will call you" and don't actually follow up.

Next time, do nothing after the 1st date and wait for the guy to initiate a second date. if you don't hear from him, he is not interested.


Sexist codswallop. This swings both ways.

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