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Can I just ask??


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There is someone I know - kind of an acquaintance and kind of a friend, as I haven't known her that long - but I have her number and we text back and forth occasionally and we both work at the same mall so we run in to each other sometimes. She has a facebook which she evidently doesn't log into that often. Haven't bothered to add her but I was curious to see if she was involved and there's no info there.


I would like to text her and just be blunt in asking whether she is taken but I don't want to be awkward or forward about it. Is it too intrusive or strange of a question to ask, or is there a polite or subtle way to steer a conversation to getting the info I'm looking for?

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There is someone I know - kind of an acquaintance and kind of a friend, as I haven't known her that long - but I have her number and we text back and forth occasionally and we both work at the same mall so we run in to each other sometimes. She has a facebook which she evidently doesn't log into that often. Haven't bothered to add her but I was curious to see if she was involved and there's no info there.


I would like to text her and just be blunt in asking whether she is taken but I don't want to be awkward or forward about it. Is it too intrusive or strange of a question to ask, or is there a polite or subtle way to steer a conversation to getting the info I'm looking for?


Ask her out on a date. Never ask if they are seeing someone. It shows more confidence to just ask them out. If she's seeing someone she'll let you know. No biggie.

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