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I wish i could turn off my mind!!! I don't know what to do or why i can't let go and rid this person of my thoughts. I guess i expected him to be something he is not. But the way he ignored me really bothers me!!! Blocked my number and i called from another phone and he hung up on me when he identified my voice. I did nothing wrong but yet i beat myself up. I've known him about 6 months. This person disrespected me by getting wasted on our date and sleep walking and peeing on my floor, lives with his mom ( he thinks i don't know this) was arrested last year, has kids he doesn't see but yet i feel like he tossed me like a piece of trash. Maybe my problem is i think this person will change and be the person i want him to be but with someone else and i will miss out. Weird right? What is wrong with me. I don't get this. I should be happy he deleted himself from my life but instead im taking it personal when clearly i did nothing wrong other than tell him what he did to my carpet..help!???

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