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Hey guyss! So me and my boyf broke up november 2012... Since then i have been on dates with other boys but never seem to be able to detach myself from my ex. So many of them have been so nice but im just not feeling it. I occassionally see him at my workplace as he aometimes comes in to see his friends. I have recently applied for new jobs which are better for my current life position an so i dont have to see him. Sometimes when i feel low i think about my ex and wish we were still together... People tell me atuff about him and it hurts (ive told several times i dont want to know). I have a very sociable busy life and i just cant seem to get him out of my life... I know timea a healer but we were only together 7 months... Was a messy breakup so wonder if this contributes to it... Any tips or help from anyone been in tbis position would be much appreciated! Happy days guys! X

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Moving on is incredibly hard, and sometimes it can be more hurtful than the actual break up. It can feel like you're letting part of yourself go. But it isn't that. Moving on is being reborn into something far more stronger. The process may be painful and sometimes seem impossible, but at the end, you will have a far greater outcome.



Steps for finding your way


Believe in yourself - I know this sounds horribly cheesy! But you can't expect yourself to move on when you don't believe it yourself. At the end of the day, YOU are the one that will get yourself to move on!


Keep busy - Surround yourself with things you love, this may be your family, friends or hobbies. You've lost a big part of yourself, the only way to feel better, is to feel good by doing something else. Whatever makes you happy, do it.



Don't give up - It's true, time heals heartbreak. And although, in this case, it's been an awful long time for you to move on. I urge you not to give up. By giving up there is NO chance for you to move at all. You will continue to be heartbroken and grieving.


Defeat is only a temporary condition. It's giving up that makes it permanent.

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