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Finishing college is making me depressed


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Graduating is really affecting me... I miss my friends so much already, I feel I will never have the same bound with them anymore. I don't feel connected to home much either; my mom has restored her life with another man after the divorce and seems to be in cloud nine without me. My dad never cared much for me. I only have my aunt and uncle for support. My ex-boyfriend broke up with me two months ago, have a new boyfriend and I'm unsure if I should be taking things so fast.


I don't know what I'm going to do after this, considering how bad unemployment is. I don't have much money so will have to get a job to continue studying. I want to travel, I want to have fun. I feel like I've spent all these years trying hard to get good grades and not enjoying life at all... I feel so alone and worthless. I feel my degree won't get me anywhere. Why do I feel like this?


I don't feel ready to get into the "real world" yet. I'm 21 and yet feel I didn't experience enough in life. Today I woke up depressed and I'm crying ever since... What is wrong with me?

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I was always a good student, but I never felt it was enough. Still today, I'm too insecure about my abilities and I'm dreading the future. I feel everyone else is a lot more capable than I am... Being independent is very appetizing, but at the same time a really scary thing. Especially when I feel so lonely.


I feel I was too guarded during my childhood/teenage years, pampered really, and there are still many things I don't feel ready to deal with by myself. I'm not blaming anyone, but it does make things harder for me.

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