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Hi all! I'm looking for some advice and encouragement! I need some help getting out of my own head!!


My boyfriend and I recently started a long distance relationship (about one week ago) and tonight I'm feeling particularly down. I've been doing fine so far, I got a second summer job to keep myself busy and preoccupied. We'll both be juniors in college next year and we're both turning 20 in about a month. I know we're young but we love each other and have committed to these eight months apart.


We've been dating since September (November is when he officially asked me out). We both go to school in Boston and I'm from around here. He's from California so he left for the summer on Thursday. Now if he were only gone for the summer, I think we could handle it, except he's going abroad in the fall to Amsterdam and won't be back in Mass until January. So it's about eight months. We're trying to visit each other but I'm not sure if money, work or his parents will let that happen.


I'm nervous about the upcoming months. When we originally talked about long distance in February he was against the idea. He came around to though and comforts me by saying he wants to be with me and that he loves and he's thinking positively.


But I'm still doubting things in the back of my head. I'm still scared that he'll give up or that he will think it's too hard. I'm completely committed to the long-distance and he says he is too; in fact, besides his original hesitations, he's never given me a reason to doubt him. I'm still nervous about things though. I keep kind of reading into nonchalant texts too much and I just want to calm down and enjoy when we talk and have faith that we'll be able to make it.


I'm trying to be optimistic but tonight I'm feeling really down and I'm not really sure what brought it on. It was just a wave all of the sudden and I couldn't help but crying. It's only been a week, I'm nervous about trying to make all eight months!


If anyone has any advice on how to cope or tips of things that have helped them, it'd be greatly appreciated!

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Although I appreciate the feedback Xylitol, I have to say I disagree. You make it sound more black and white then it really is. We're still in (and are planning to try and stay in) a committed relationship while he's gone.


I'm sorry, your response has thrown me off a bit. I'm not quite sure how to respond, perhaps I didn't explain the situation well enough?

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