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Why is it that men lose their faith in women so easily?!


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I have known so many guys that hate women just because they've either had bad luck or met the wrong girls. Most of them hate women just because they've never had a gf before and they blame that on the girls. Or they'll develop strong feelings for a girl that they KNOW they have no chance with (b/c these girls TELL them they don't like them in that way) and then turn on women as a whole b/c they couldn't win this particular girl over. Women on the other hand will take neglect, physical and emotional abuse, rape, or just being used in general and still have hope in men. I just don't get it! Does this mean that women are stronger than men or that we're just delusional?

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It's about the same. A lot of men don't get hurt that easily, a lot of women do get hurt... maybe you just didn't see these faithless girls.


=) I know someone who had 3 very unhappy relationships. He gave up relationship for 2 years and met his girlfriend while they both didn't care for a relationship. Now they're happy.

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I personally think that because its the guys job to ask the woman out, he is the one who will have to put himself up for the possibility of rejection. What usually happens is you are young and inexperienced with woman. Then there is a girl in your class that you might like (even though she might not like you). So you decide to ask her out and she does something really immature like tell you to pi$$ off or something like that. You (being young and immature yourself) take it all personally and think that all woman are like this and try to protect yourself from more pain in the future by not taking a chance with any more woman. But as you get older you realize that not all woman are like that, if someone does not like you it is their problem and if you hold a grudge against all woman because of what one woman did to you then that is really foolish.



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Its not that the men have lost faith in wemon, usually its because men are more afraid of showning their emotions. Men are afraid to do this because they think that if the do its a sing of weakness or that the female friend will laugh at his display of emotions, which is usually not true. A major breakup for a guy my push his feelings farther into repression with every breakup.

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I once believed that men are always on the bad side... but through my experiences I have found that some girls are jerks... and not every girl deserves my respect until it is gained (you see i used to think all girls were worth protecting, then some... just really really aren't worth your time). When you learn that, you start to think "hey its my choice to choose who i date." Once you learn that you begin to realize you do have control over some things, and that not all women are horrible... it just takes time to find one that fits your personality... and it takes a lot of experimenting to find what you are looking for.


This guy is immature... who cares if a girl is a jerk, do you wanna be with her? The reason i find men to be jerks, is because women think that they deserve all this extra crap just because they are female... which is total and utter bs. Once you find the girls that are true to human nature, and are there to be just as kind as you are back, then you can be the mush... be the express all emotions... but not until then.



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Well iono i guess men like me overtime just get fed up with not having a girlfriend ever and maybe we are weak.I always go towards girl cause none of them ever like me and i dont know why....I always get the idea that im ugly from this and it makes me angry.Im sorry if im an ugly loser that always says things about girls because im bitter of never having one.Whenever total jerks get girls by the truckload and i have so much to offer to a women as far as kindness and caring.But hey o well i have been forgetting about women and have been playing everquest 2 and half life 2 plenty and im happy how it is.Have not veen caring for the last month and i couldnt feel any better although i still have bitter comments.My love is video games right now they make me happy they are the main thing that makes me happy cause nothing else does.

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As I read this post something about me came to mind. I'm african/native-american. I went out with another african-american for the first time (before that I wasn't attracted). I went out with her, things went sour, and I'm put off once again.


She's scared me away from having romantic relationships with girls of my own race! Don't get me wrong, there's always a possibility, but it's just not what I'm looking for.

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Men are more likely to cheat, some men may beat the crap out of their significant others, there are more men out to just get laid and use women than the other way around. THAT is mistreatment. Even knowing this I still have faith in men. I know that they're not all like this and that's all that really matters. Why can't guys see it the same way?


Well... I can't really give you the answer to this question but I think:


When you experience to get hurt by a girl/women/whatsoever, you will always feel some kind of negative behaviour/thoughts towards others (of the same sex),due to the fact that you've had a bad experience. This isn't just people who haven't tried to have a gf/bf before. People coming out of a bad relationship often says "I dont want to do this anymore, I get more hurt than I ever want to experience again". Of course guys knows that everyone are not like this person who mistreated you, but the fact is that we are more stubborn, and it takes a lot of time for us to reach that fact. (We actually hav to experience that our last impression can not be held against the rest of the sex, I think.).


My own opinion is that many of us sees it the same way as you do. I just think we are too frightened to admit this..... In my own case I would never generalize just due to one bad experience (which I fortunately never have had). It doesn't help to see every negative thing in a broken relationship/ decline from girl wanting to date or other stuff. Please people! Get the best out of the past and learn from your mistakes instead of generalizing a whole sex, this is the best way to learn from the past and take this into advantage in the future.


Your sincerly "and bad spelling english dude" Daredevil

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I would say guys that get burnt by woman lose a lot of their pride and dignity. In most of my relationships usually my pride was hurt more then my heart. So I guess some guys that go through this need to blame someone and need to feel better and takes it out on the woman.


I had a friend that treated woman like crap, just hated them and used them...all because of one girl. Here was a guy that didn't pop his cherry till 17 years old and is a very good looking guy. He dated this girl for something like two years, then she needed "the break". Found out she was cheating on him. For the next 10 years he just hated woman. Didn't want to be stuck in that situation again and felt all woman were pigs. Every time we met some girls he would say "there are some pigs for us" Now he finally met nice girl and is married for about a year. Even though he hated woman, he was one of the nicest guys you can meet aside from treating woman like crap.


When I was younger I had a friend named Joe. He thought he was the bomb, but the girls thought otherwise. So any girl that rejected him he would badmouth, spread rumors, and call names I can't list on here. For some people it is easier to blame a whole sex then to figure out what they can do for themselves to make them more attractive.


I wouldn't say woman don't do this. Two girls I spoke to since I moved to Florida. One gave me the 3rd degree. So she obviously has been burnt before. I never bothered calling her because she is holding onto too much baggage. Another girl I was speaking to seemed to have the same kind of issues. When my cell phone rang, I stopped..looked at the number, seen it was a friend from up North...so I just shut the ringer off...and I turned back to her...I seen her rolling my eyes and conversation basically ended.


I think the playing field is almost even. If I had to choose sides I would say that woman are stronger emotionally. They don't have the pride of "being a man" to contend with. We may pretend to be stronger, but most of us are not and we have our feelings hurt. All throughout history woman have had to stand strong while their men went to brothels and were dying in wars. Leaving them to raise families and tend to their land and animals. I think men are physically superior, but woman are mentally and emotionally superior.


For years I had problems controlling my temper. So they medicated me with the same drugs they use for seizures. I just thought I was getting physically angry because people pissed me off, but doctor said I was getting like that because I am too sensitive and don't know any other way to handle my emotions! Go figure...everyone always said I was insensitive.


Anyway...thats my opinion.


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This guy is immature... who cares if a girl is a jerk, do you wanna be with her? The reason i find men to be jerks, is because women think that they deserve all this extra crap just because they are female... which is total and utter bs. Once you find the girls that are true to human nature, and are there to be just as kind as you are back, then you can be the mush... be the express all emotions... but not until then.




ForAnother, I'm confused...the first paragraph in your post answered the topic's question, the second paragraph that I quoted above appears to be answering another topic question. Is this a mistake?

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This guy is immature... who cares if a girl is a jerk, do you wanna be with her? The reason i find men to be jerks, is because women think that they deserve all this extra crap just because they are female... which is total and utter bs. Once you find the girls that are true to human nature, and are there to be just as kind as you are back, then you can be the mush... be the express all emotions... but not until then.




Ok lemme rephrase it...


This guy is immature. If the girl that denied him is a "jerk" in his opinion, then why would he want to date her?" (haha now that I reread my post I don't think i was saying something sane, I think I was under the influence maybe.) I think that:


Men are more likely to cheat, some men may beat the crap out of their significant others, there are more men out to just get laid and use women than the other way around. THAT is mistreatment. Even knowing this I still have faith in men. I know that they're not all like this and that's all that really matters. Why can't guys see it the same way?


Is such a generalization. Men are more likely to cheat?... I completely disagree. Women are just as horny as us men are, and if they find reason or time to cheat, they will... simple fact. Guys do see it the same way, its just your generalizing it just from the experiences you had... perhaps you should reconsider your views on it.


It is equal for both sides, men and women both do bad things its human nature. The sooner we realize the equality in it the sooner it can all work... we all make mistakes... yes cheating is the cruelest thing somoene can do... you completely screw up the other person in the relationship. You attack them entirely.


Its kinda early, sorry iam spacey.



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Yes, I'm serious, and it says so in the guidelines. We try to edit or remove the posts where we see them, but we can't always get all of them when there are so many posts.


So try and be a little more careful in the future - it really sets eNotalone apart from other sites on the Internet where profanity and verbal abuse runs rampant.

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Well as far as guys cheating i do know my gender is a bunch of retarded hormonal jerks.A big majority of them just want women for sex and nothing else no commitment at all men are jerks.But the funny thing is how many women go back to them tiume after time because they think they love them.

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Unfortunately, Shinobie, this is going to be more commonplace in your age range. The teen years are when we are pretty much starting to take notice of the opposite sex, and our maturity levels & judgement still has a while to fully develop. So, often guys are attracted to the girls that play overly hard to get & have a swarm of admirers, and girls can tend to like the players.


It does change when you get older, so please don't get jaded.

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Well iono i cant wait till that older time comes and i hope it gets better.....Because i really want a gf but no girls like me and never have in my teen years.I wonder if things will be easier when im older because i dont feel like staying too far behind.I mean i havent even kissed or know how to do anything around girls.Even 12 year olds know how to flirt i just clam up and be really shy and act like stupid retarded fool.

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Well as far as guys cheating i do know my gender is a bunch of retarded hormonal jerks.A big majority of them just want women for sex and nothing else no commitment at all men are jerks.But the funny thing is how many women go back to them tiume after time because they think they love them.


God I used to think the same way Shinobie... but soon you will realize things about it... like a lot of my male friends are awsome, kind nice guys... treat their ladies right... I find that you think this way because your innocent... and shy. I don't want to be mean but prepare to challenge your judgement. Hey it took a while for me to realize it... actually 1 year of stupidity. I find you say it (as I used to do) because you know that you would not try to hurt a girl, and this makes you better than the men that do it. Sure it makes you a kind person, but how far to kind people get in this world. There is a bumper sticker that says "Well-Behaved women rarely make history." This applies right back to men. Take a risk take a chance that you are not used to, and you will discover what kind of man you are beneath all those layers. Remember not standing up for yourself enough will wear you down, and make you look pathetic and unnatractive to women.


Unfortunately, Shinobie, this is going to be more commonplace in your age range. The teen years are when we are pretty much starting to take notice of the opposite sex, and our maturity levels & judgement still has a while to fully develop. So, often guys are attracted to the girls that play overly hard to get & have a swarm of admirers, and girls can tend to like the players.


It does change when you get older, so please don't get jaded.


Well said m'lady.


(Sorry if I flamed you Shinobie... just my opinion i suppose)



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Nothing you said was a flame. It was very thoughtfully written.


Shinobie, I suggest you write down the sentence that ForAnother wrote: "Challenge Your Judgement." And read it over and over! You are very, very down on yourself and when you tell yourself negative things over and over, it becomes an instinctive thought process. You can change that.

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I think that men and women are pretty equal when it comes to cheating nowadays.


I think its easier to hate and place blame on the opposite sex than to realize that you met a bad apple, or a few bad apples for that matter. I got jilted 3 weeks ago by the woman I thought I was going to marry, and I wanted to hate women because I felt like I had wasted four years of my twenties on dumb insecure women.


But then I realized that you are going to date and meet people that cheat, lie, etc to you in life, because if that didn't happen to you, you would never really appreciate the good, honest, loyal, and trustworthy people that you meet, date, and (hopefully!) marry one day.

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