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My ex apologised for dumping me 1 year after :)

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I was an adult student studying abroad 1,5 year ago. My ex was working at the university with students, however he was not a teacher, nor a dean. We were same age. We have met at the unofficial party and talked about the common interests. Several months after we started dating secretly (not to make problems at work), partying, sleeping, spending cozy and caring time at home etc.


However, 4 months after, he dumped me for much younger local girl. It wasn't out of the blue. She was a new employee at his office. I didn't chase him, didn't make any drama when he confessed me about it, but it was a hard time for me since he presented me to his family, friends and we had so many common romantic activities and hobbies together. He took care of me like a real gentlemen and honestly told me about a new crush without lying.


1 year passed. I returned to my homeland, but kept him in my messenger contacts. No FB of course. He contacted me not so long ago when I was fully healed and dating other man. We chatted from day to day for hours as old good friends and without hidding that I'm dating someone else. He was single again. He dated this younger girl for 8 months, spent all money on her, even took her for holiday to another continent, however nothing made her happy. She was constantly changing her opinions, became moody, jealous of his friends and even his family attention, forbid him to contact his female co-workers or any other friends and finally met her ex and dumped him. Karma, you say? Maybe.


Now he honestly wanted to apologise me for choosing work and her over me. According to him, he didn't want any drama at work if anyone finds out he was dating a student. It was logical, so it had to be right, but it wasn't. He got depressed and quit his job. He always remembered all that cozy and good time he spent with me. He missed me. Even though this flirt took twice as long, he told me that till then he already was in love with me and she had to be only a fling. Now he wanted to be friends. Since I was fully healed not to feel anything but nostalgia about that time, I accepted it. I have no illusions or hidden wishes to become something more (if I accidentaly break up with my man). He told me that I was a proper long-term girlfriend material, however he didn't listened his heart and made even a bigger mess. Now I feel so good and positive that sometimes even dumpers can apologize.

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I am not sure it is a good idea to remain friends with him. He may have apologized now because his life fell apart..but had his life still been on easy street I wonder if he would have thought twice about what he did to you. You are with someone else now, but even if you weren't I would still say the same thing...why bother with someone who dumped you for someone else.

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