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I just..don't know how much longer I am going to be able to handle this. I haven't talked to or seen her in over a week. I just look into the computer and see pictures of us happy together, and I remember how much she loved me and I her. But now she's with her new guy, 24/7. I don't know how long before i show up at her door crying.

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I'm sure I'm not alone when I say doing that would be a BAD idea. I think you know that too. You MUST be strong about this.


If you do go and see her in a bad state it will push her away even more. She may even get angry and hurt you even more. The likelihood of her staying in contact with you after that would be very slim indeed.


I am in a similar situation in that I am pretty sure my ex is dating another guy or at the very least has a guy making a big effort to get with her. This is less than a month after we have split. It tears me up inside and I can't stop thinking about it. But there is no way I'm going to tell her that or try and see her. The lines of communication are still up between us and I won't do anything to damage that.


Stay calm mate and keep concentrating on building yourself up.

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Ok so lately she sends me emails asking how i am and stuff. Just random stuff. I usually reply , but very formally.


I havent seen or talked to her in about a week and a half.


I need a vote on whether to call her for thanksgiving just to say 'Happy Thanksgiving' or if it would be best to play mind games and just leave her alone. (She did mention in the emails that she never gets calls from me anymore-almost like she WANTED me to call).

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So, I have resisted the urge to call her like you guys said. But I miss the damn girl, actually I miss how we used to be , as opposed to this new girl who hasn't heard from me (or me from her) in 2 weeks, yet I know that she is always with her new guy, who she invited for thanksgiving dinner (i was supposed to go) and her whole family and her friends are complteely against her ever talking to me ever again (all he friends and family once thought I was amazing and a 'keeper', now they tell her hateful things about me). it sucks!

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I haven't called in almost 3 weeks. Havent spoken to her (online) in three days. I have no idea whats going on in her life, but I do know shes is with her guy (hes spending his time at her parents house for thanksgiving, this is something she asked me to do only weeks before).


Im trying my best guys.

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Ok, so I STILL have not contacted my ex. She had a winderful time with her new man. She also said to one of my friends that "She is happier with her new guy who has the same sort of thoughts as she" and that her love for me is now non existant.


I say its time i moved on...there is NO hope of her ever wanting to came back to me.


What do you guys think?

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Ok so its been about a month of N/C. But recently my ex has started to talk negatively about me to our mutual friends. In fact she told them I physically abused her several times and that her father wants to press charges. I really think she is trying to turn everyone against me. I have no more feelings for this girl, especially now, and oh btw she rubs the fact that she has a new sweetheart right in everyone's face.


Do you guys think this is normal?


Help!!! Course of action=?

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I don't think I need to tell you that this is some messed up behavior right there!


Firstly I assume you haven't ever laid a finger on you ex, both during and after you split up. In that case you have nothing to worry about. If the father was going to press charges he would do it straight away.


This is all designed to have a dig at you. For what reasons I don't know. But DO NOT break NC due to these new developments. All I can see happening is the situation getting a whole lot worse. Breaking up with someone is HARD. I'm suffering like hell and the stress it adds to you life is huge. This situation is just adding to your stress, don't let her win by rising to it. Let it ride.


The only people's opinions you should care about are the mutual frinds, but only if they are TRUE friends. As long as they don't believe the abuse story she's spinning then that would be my main concern.


Hope this helps. If anyone reads this and thinks I'm wrong then get on here and help The Dude.

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