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Thought she was teaching me? But only wanted to use me. :(


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Here's the quick story.


- friend and I at a bar

- I came up to a girl and we all started talking

- I personally got the feeling she was into my friend, so became in/out of conversation

- She brings up that she can "hook people up" I'm intrigued

- I tell her about my "situation" (never been kissed, virgin)

- We all go back to her place

- Strangely her and I work on kissing (no tongue though! I tried!) she says only lips now. 4-5 trys

- She apparently get's annoyed and she says to my friend "Let's show him how it's done)

- Luckily my friend says "no" , gives her excuses, and we bolt.


I'm VERY grateful that my friend wasn't into her. If he was, I'm sure he would have had made a move earlier.

I'm just very sad that I feel INCREDIBLY used. Like she took advantage of my weakness to get to my friend.


Thoughts? I tried to kiss with my tongue, but either I was TERRIbly BAD or she just didn't want to. I got my FIRST romantic kissing on lips though! Now, I'm very hesitant to TRUST any girl that is being flirty around me with my friend now.

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Now, I'm very hesitant to TRUST any girl that is being flirty around me with my friend now.


Ignoring, of course, the fact that she was flirting with your friend first...


She wasn't annoyed, she was impatient. She wanted your friend and well, is not what you'd call a girl you can take home to mother.


Sorry that you got caught up with her.

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Most girls wouldn't go as far with me as she did. Both of OUR LIPS touched! That's a BIG deal for me. My friend was rooting for me all the way! He was so proud at that time. He wanted NOTHING to do with her from the beginning. He was trying to be a great WINGMAN. But it just proves a point. Girls have the choice no matter what.

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Of course they do.


But you have a choice also. You could have not gone with her, you could have no spoken with her.


Just focus on the fact that you at least got a snog. And next time, don't be so eager that you ignore warning signs (like taking two blokes back to her house).


You are right... but I'm getting somewhat desperate KNOWING that there was a chance she was BS. I'm 32. My chances are RARE just to even get a girl to TOUCH me.

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Hey man. I feel for you, but at least you didn't lose a friend as well as your dignity. Realistically, sex is the only thing that could have come of that interaction. It sounds as if sex was all you wanted, and if that was the case, there are other women who will engage in casual sex. I just think that sex for the sake of having sex is not worth the effort.

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I just feel bad knowing how close I got to my FIRST KISS. I've gotten to the point that it doesn't matter if I have feelings for any girl that would want to kiss me. At first, I only wanted it to be relationship status.


Um unless I read it wrong you kissed her 4-5 times, you've been kissed dude. Time to let go of that stigma and work on the next one.


Lets be honest, you are thinking way to much about this. No girl is going to even know you are a virgin unless you tell them, which it sounds like you have been. The only people who care about virginity are virgins.. this isnt rocket science, its what you do with your hand but in someone elses body.

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Why is it you have such a hard time finding a woman? Perhaps thats something we can help you with instead of focusing on some random chick who sounds a little messed up.


Yeah, that's quite a strange scenario! I don't think that happens often.


What does your buddy say about your predicament with women? Does he have any advice? (He knows you best)

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I think you should take it for what it was and move on. You wanted to kiss a woman so bad - well now you got it. You are not going to find someone looking for a meaningful relationship in a bar. And you got what you wanted because you told the woman you never kissed anyone, so she thought that was an invitation. Also, what is about your friend that makes him more appealling to women? is it because he doesn't feel so much is riding on every single convo with a woman?


Why is it you have such a hard time finding a woman? Perhaps thats something we can help you with instead of focusing on some random chick who sounds a little messed up.


Look at his past posts. Its a whole saga. Living in LA. his parents pay all his bills (they live out of state) looking to be a promoter/manager for bands. Girls are repelled by 32 year old guys who sponge off their folks, you know? And only looking for women in bars doesn't help either, where its all about status and looks and drunkenness. If he works on the other stuff, he will have more confidence to meet women and not care so much if one rejects him. he will just press forward.

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I think I needed to explain the situation more.


1. It was obvious from the get go that she was attracted to my friend but I guess still wanted to help me? Basically how a girl becomes friends with the guy just so she could be closer to the guy she really wants.

2. I've had Pop kisses before. But these Kisses were LIP KISSES? Similar?? So it was my FIRST LIP kisses. She didn't want to do any tongue action, so I knew there was a barrier between her and I. I've yet to FRENCH KISS.

3. My friend is a model/gym guy. He gets recruited to be on reality dating shows. Extremely good looking, etc...

4. I am not trying to dwell on it. When I wrote the post last night I was still wishing the outcome would have been better.


I just needed to get it out.

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