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U have to make sure that u 2 are entirely comfortable with the idea first. Make sure if its a woman that u don't get over involved with her, make sure u spend more time with your wife/gf (especially kissing wise, and also make sure first that she is comfortable with u kissing another woman). O, and make sure u both agree with the 3rd person u choose. go out, have a good night, have a couple to drink, every1 will get relaxed, and let the fun commence


Me and my mate had a 3some with a girl. We were embarrassed about it for like 2 seconds (when we had to pull our trousers down ), but after that, it was a good laugh . Next time i'll hope its with 2 girls though

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You two have to be able to handle the implications of what can happen when you invite another person into your sexual activity with a significant other. Its something that I would suggest is better when you are single rather than be in a relationship. However if both parties are mature enough to handle the situation then a threesome can be an experience to remember. In most cases the fantasy is better than the reality of it. You also want to be careful about who you want to invite into the bedroom. If the person is a close friend then you be aware of the bad things that can happen.

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You two have to be able to handle the implications of what can happen when you invite another person into your sexual activity with a significant other. Its something that I would suggest is better when you are single rather than be in a relationship. However if both parties are mature enough to handle the situation then a threesome can be an experience to remember. In most cases the fantasy is better than the reality of it. You also want to be careful about who you want to invite into the bedroom. If the person is a close friend then you be aware of the bad things that can happen.


I second Day Walker on this one. I had a discussion about this actually with the guy I am dating. I have been involved in threesomes while I was younger, but never when involved with someone seriously. It is best if all three of you are unattached and have nothing other than sexual attraction for one another. Some fantasies are better left fantasies, as bringing someone else into the bedroom just adds complications that you, your partner and relationship may not be able to handle.


Having said that, you could look online for willing partners, as it is probably best to not poll friends for possible additions - another complication you don't really need!

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The most important thing here is communication ( well aside from protection) you have to make sure that you are both comfortable with the situation and not just going along to please the other person. If there is something you don't want your partner to do with the other person make sure you express this.


Another important thing is to center the attention around your partner and not so much the other person. Don't leave your guy or girl out of it....make it about her ( or him) and DO NOT see the other person by yourself.. ever.. the whole purpose of this is to share the experience with your partner.. not about finding someone else.


Be careful out there

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I do agree it is better with people you are not emotinally attached to, but if you are attached, I agree with muneca on the previous post, communication is essential to a sucessful threesome.


Talk to your partner on what each of you are looking to get out of it. Make sure its something that you both want to happen. Talk about any guidelines or any potential "No No's" before hand. Get to know the person a little before you have them join in.


Just my two cents! ~ Jamillia

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I have talked to some professionals (psychologists) about this (i have professionals in my family, and young ones too so they are very open minded ) and friends who have done it.


Every friend who did it in a relationship ended up in disaster and break up. I agree with everyone else, its better with people you have no feelings for.


Second, they said it ruined the fantasy and wasnt what it was all hyped up about.


Third, the professionals said chances are if you are in a relationship and you bring a third party, things are more likely to go sour faster than to spice up your sex life.




Good luck


Although I have fantasies of being in bed with two men, I owuldnt act out on it. Nor would I ever ask my boyfriend or even mention it. And if my boyfriend EVER asked me to, I think I'd slap him so hard accross the face he'd get the point. Fantasies are fantasies and if your partner isnt into that asking them to bring another person into something as intimate as sex between a couple is in my opinion disrespectful. One needs to know that making a fantasy a reality in a relationship can lead to problems.

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