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My husband is not showing any responsibility towards his kids in any way. He has left us with nothing and now, I have no money for anything. It's hard to get a job because I can't find someone that will work with my schedule...(I go to school). Anyways, he makes alot of money and my son could sure use some of it so I sent him a text message because I don't want to talk with him and asked him to put himself and his ***** (used another word) on the back burner for once and send his son some money. I probably won't see anything because God forbid that his ***** (used another word) go without. I mean, they have to stay in fancy hotels and his truck payment is 1,200 a month and he has to pay child support (that I got established) amongst other things so surely he doesn't have any money for his other son. Stupid of me to ask him that, eh? I mean, I called my lawyer to get him to call his lawyer and ask him to send some money and that never happened so I took matters into my own hands. Then my Dad called him up and left a message saying that he was going to blow his brains out if he didn't do something. Now what am I to do? Why are some men like this? Why do they play you and use you and use the kids and then just discard it like it's nothing? Especially after I got him this job and truck, etc. in the first place! UGHHHH Sorry, I am just getting mad again. HELP!!!!!!!!!! Could use some good advice! Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I finally got a call from my lawyer saying that he was going to give me some money and to contact his mother. I did that. She said she knew nothing about it and that she was going to call him. She called me and said that he was going to try and come down here for Thanksgiving and he might give me some money then. WTF?? Does he think that my son still wears the same clothes? Does he think that my son still wears the same diaper? OMG! I can't stand him or his family. Oh, I forgot to mention that I ran into him. Yeah, he had his ***** with him and I almost did something real stupid, but didn't. Anyways, this was a really bad argument and he blamed me for everything. He didn't feel guilty about anything. I was so hurt over this. I guess he will never be sorry. For those of you who don't know exactly what is going on, read my past post at: link removed

I can't believe that they are being this way. It's just so horrible. Will write more later. Thanks for replying.

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