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SO im feeling MUCH better about my ex and such lately. But I don't know where to go from here. I didn't talk to her for a while and she eventaully called me. That was the point when I knew I had healed, when i talked to her and my feelings didn't all flood back.


I think something that really helps with healing is getting your confidence back. After a few weeks of mopeing around I realised there was no reason for me too be. One of my good female friends sat me down and told me any girl would be lucky to have a guy like me, and that most were looking for one. This really helped me get back on my feet, and when I eventually did talk to my ex about things this was reinforced.


But to say I am fuly healed would be a lie. I still have little interest in girls, i have met a few but really nothing became of it. I am having trouble putting the right amount of effort into woeing someone. I just am not interested right now. I suppose this is due to many things and will pass in time.


Also I am kinda worried about my ex, it seems she has been doing alot of drinking and is doing at least some drugs now. I am worried about her but don't know if I can or should talk too her about it. I somehow feel it would be inapropriate for me to confront her about this, or that she may take it the wrong way. I have even considered talking to her parents about it. Help me out guys I dont know how to handle this.

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Good man you moving one which is good.. for there is some one out there for you, i will tell you that they will come when your not even looking for one for your be hangin out with friends and then BAM a good looking girl come in your path and has everything that you want and need...



Now for the iss with your ex im in the same thing right now also for i told my ex that she should be carefull but she kinda just spit it back in my face then i just said just go do it but then when you do all this same crap some day your going to regret all of it and say nik your right i was dumb and foolish and i left like that for you cant change a person... for if they dont want to be change it sucks man i know for i was pissed when i got the news of what my ex was doing but they have to learn there self for when she broke up with me even her mom said that she was dumb and making a mistake, but then you have to stand up and be the man and do whats right move on forget about her you will meet a girl that wants the same as you and you going to be alot happier....


keep you head up!!!!!

good luck...

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Yeah, as Nik said (I think, the post is a little confusing), I'd mention your concerns to her, but be prepared to be dismissed. But at least for your own mental well-being, you should tell her that you're concerned for her. If she's not willing to accept any advice, I wouldn't push it.


As far as not having any interest in putting in the effort to "get" another girl, I totally understand. How long has it been? For me, it's only 2 months, and the last time I was dumped, it took me almost 2 years to find another girl. I move slow, lol. But the right woman and right opportunity will come along when you least expect it, don't try to rush it, just be natural. If you don't want to ask a woman out, buy her gifts, think of fun things to do, and whatever else dating involves, then don't do it yet! Just hang out with friends and be comfortable. Your friends will bring their female friends and who knows if you'll hit it off? But definitely don't rush things, take it all at your own pace.


Good luck...


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