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well, I don't even know where to start, he's now calling me every three weeks, and called me 3 days ago, when we speak is about us, what we are doing now, and how we used to be, always the good memories, and he always initiates the sex talks, and to tell me that he still holds me dear, like he says it in spanish, "te quiero mucho" in english is I like you a lot, or you can say it when you love somebody, i just play dumb and say ok, yeah, sure, (not sarcastic thought) and he tells me how much fun we had, and when he tries to bring up the bad things I just say, that I have already forgotten about them, and he should too.

We both have new relationships, and I'm content with mine, I don't know if he is with his, we don't talk about that, but get this...his mom and I write e-mails to each other, and she seems to like me now, more than ever, she even suggested we meet up so we can chat, and drink some wine.....and he recently told me that she talks very well about me to him, (she didn't like me in the beginning of our relationship) I told my ex, of course she likes me now, we are not together anymore, he's like no that's not it, she thinks you are very nice...blah,blah, blah....

so anyways, I don't know what to think of this, and if my ex is trying to keep me on the back burner, I've been trying to be the cool chick and talk to him as a friend, we laught, flirt, and have very good talks, he blows me kisses on the phone, and tells me all these things, one time he even told me he still loved me.....I told him I still loved him too ( two weeks ago)

by the way he broke up with me 5 months ago...

I can't be his friend!!!!!!,.............what is he thinking we are gonna exchange notes on our new relationships, and play like is all good?!!! and be "best of friends". I was with him for two years!!! lived together the last year, and I had to move out.


I don't know what stunt he's trying to pull, has any of you been in this situation"???

because I don't know what to do next,


not answer his phone calls?!

not meet his mom?!!!

answer his phone calls and play the cool chick, and see where it takes me?!!!

answer his phone calls, and tell him not to contact me any more??!!!!


ahhh......I don't know.....


(I still love him.... I know i'm an idiot..... )


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It seems like he is still trying to be friendly with you. That does mean that he is keeping you on the backburner. If you are content in your new relationship then it is best that you do not pursue anything. You obviously have strong feelings for him if this is getting to you. Think about why your relationship ended and if it ended for good reasons then you realize that you need to move forward.

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