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Do Guys Prefer Virgins or Experience?


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Here's a question for the guys. Do you like girls who are virgins or girls with experience. What if she was someone you want to marry?


Do most guys want virgins? If so why the attraction to that?

If a girl said she was a virgin just before the act (like after fourplay) would you be happy or mad?


Dam I guess that's more than 1 question.

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Well I think Id be more comfortable with a virgin for my first time. But after losing my virginity Id want a more experienced woman to show me whats right and wats not.




if its a girl I wanna marry, I gotta say I realllllllly wouldnt mind if she was still a virgin. But wouldnt hold a grudge just cause shes not one.


Now in terms of why guys like virgins? personally I think its like the same thing as how some girls get satisfaction out of deflowering a guy.

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Well, taking someone's virginity is a big deal.


That person will likely remember it forever and it's a big step.


Another school of thought is that, well no other guy has been there before and it's more pure I guess.


Honestly most guys, if they were getting some, wouldn't complain about if she's been with a guy before or not

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For me I am a virgin, so I really expect the girl I marry to be a virgin also. However, if you really love someone its only right to look past thier flaws and mistakes....so it doesn't really matter. Atleast to me. But for other people it might be really important.

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I think it's great if a girl decides to wait. It's rarely seen but why be like the rest of the crowd? I dated a virgin and when we had sex it was actually kinda nice to be the teacher and show her a few things. Of course I learned almost all I know from dating divorced ,and some married, women, but the virgins were always special. I'm in my late 30's, I'd love to date a virgin now but finding one in her late 30's would be impossible so I guess I'd have to settle.

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I prefer not to marry a virgin. Some where along the marriage they are always going to wonder what it is like with another man, and some of will find it hard to resist the temptation.


I gave the idea of marrying a virgin up when I was kid, I very surprised to see so many virgins on this site.



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So if some virgins decided not to have sex before marriage would guys find that odd, frustrating, or funny?


None. If he was anything but respectful to her wishes then she is wasting her time dating him.


The answer to the original question, all depends on highly you place sex in your qualities within a relationship. Obviously, it should features at some stage of a relationship if you feel that you have "found the one" but a lot of relationships fail, as they are purely sex based. Far better to wait and develop a relationship based on conversation and other activities.


To be honest, when in a relationship, I would rather not know about her dating/sexual past. However, life experiences make us the person that we are, and the most important thing when you love someone, is to be their last.

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It actually does not make any difference.


I have had only a few relatiionships and been exclusive in my current one for over twenty years. None of the women I have been with were virgins (except the girl I dated in high school, but we never did anything.) And it really never mattered.


I have to say though if I was involved with someone new and thought we were on our way to bed, and she said "Oh by the way, I a virgin." It would scare the hell out of me. If you are going to be someone's first, you don't want to mess it up, and foreplay is not a good time to find out.

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So if some virgins decided not to have sex before marriage would guys find that odd, frustrating, or funny?


I would find it just part of who she is. You have to consider it within the question of the whole person and what your goal is in the relationship and how you feel about them.

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If I am a virgin at marriage, I would like her to be as well. I really want to do it before marriage, but I would not object to waiting if I truly loved her (which I would if I was getting married)


That said, I would worry if I was a virgin and she was not. I think I would feel like she has a certain power over me and that I will always be compared to someone else where she would be my yardstick. If I was not a virgin I wouldn't care unless she had been with a ton of guys.


So I guess, I would want an equivalent amount of experience as her.



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  • 2 weeks later...

All I want to say is, sex is a part of life. Why wait to have sex? Sex is wonderful and expermental. I mean, we only live once and it's pleasureful and a stress reliever. Some might say its even a form of exercise. People who want to wait are just scard or they sometimes had a bad experience or just the way someone has been raised. Hasn't anyone heard of casual sex? Yes, you might want to know a little bit about a person before sleeping with them (doen't take a year to find out about someone) but its all about having pleasure and giving pleasure. Sex isn't just something anyone can do, its a skill, sex is needed to be taught. I believe virgins are scard of sex, not knowing what to do in bed, but hey, theres really not a right way for having sex. As an example, just like riding a bike for the first time, really wanting to ride but scard of crashing but, after falling down a couple times and practicing, you get it right and could enjoy it anyway you want. Learning bike tricks comes after . Back on topic, a virgin thinks he or she should wait for the right person well, what happens if that right person never shows up, then you become old and wishing to have relations. Sex is not a bad thing, sex just gets a bad rap because of tv or the internet. Sex is not a big deal, a penis goes into a vagina using protection mixed with a great feeling of pleasure and mosly only lasts for about 5-10 mins well only for people that hadn't got any in a long time lol. My last thought, for the virgins out there, why wait, its going to happen sooner or later, might as well just get it done but not with a random person, unless thats what you want but I say someone you are comfortable with. Trust me sex isn't what you think. Just like seeing a high school on tv, its not what its all hyped up too be. But, once you get practice and start exploring, thats when the pleasure come to play.


Second part of main topic:


I would perfer a women with experience, mostly with tongue experience because using your tongue is a major part of foreplay. I would only date a virgin if she wants me to help her find the pleasure in sex. I say for the virgins, try it once, with someone with experience, tell he or she to go slow and be gentle. What I do is put on some slow jams and dim the lights and lighting some candles, making the mood pleasent. Doesn't matter if you don't know what your doing, try your best and later will find out what to do as of more practice you get. Plus, it's good to know that you have sex skills because you don't want to look stupid in the future when you find the right person. Finally, I say, virgins, get up off your azz and have sex, not with everyone but with some you are comfortable with then boom, you say to yourself, "dam, this is sex???"

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  • 5 years later...

That depends on your definition of experience. If you're referring to someone my age(22) that has had double digit partners, I'll take the virgin 10 out of 10 times. If you mean someone that has been with a handful, I'll take the experience. I wouldn't rule out someone though simply because they're a virgin.



As for virgins, you also have to worry about the possibility of them cheating as they have never been with anyone else. That's not the case with all or even most of them, but it is something to think about.

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gusy probably like virgins because they don't have to worry about how they do, to the girl who's virginity he took, he will be the "best".


Well, thats basing it on why i felt cool about a guys virginity i once took heheheh. >.>

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gusy probably like virgins because they don't have to worry about how they do, to the girl who's virginity he took, he will be the "best".


Well, thats basing it on why i felt cool about a guys virginity i once took heheheh. >.>


Actually, that's not true.


I probably will suck my first time; however, I'd want at least one of us to know what we were doing. So I'd prefer an experienced, sexually aggressive woman the first time, rather than someone who's passive and inexperienced.


You remember that scene from American Pie, with the girl who joked about 'at band camp?' I'd sort of like a sexually aggressive woman like that (maybe not THAT aggressive, but you know what I mean!)

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Very old resurrected thread!


None the less when it comes to the question at hand.....It'd say it's a non issue either way.


What is important in my opinion is they are able to please themselves on a regular basis.


This way they know exactly what to do.If they know how to please themselves and enjoy doing so, they will not feel like they need you to please them.

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If its a relationship a good guy probably wont care.


One night stand: Experience


Relationship: Who cares, if shes a virgin it might be a slow thing at the start but you can see her develop sexually with your "Flavor" added to the mix to. If shes experienced, well.. Hopefully it will be good times, still your both going to grow sexually together.



As a side: The more experienced the more I want to see good bloodwork and tests. I've had a few scares before and luckily come off with nothing serious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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