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Am I missing the signals?


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Hello... I know, don't date where you work but there is a person I work with. We got to know eachother over the past few months. I can not tell if I am misreading his signals or if he is interested. I think he may be interested but does not know how to approach me since we work in such a small office. Or maybe he is just being friendly and I am reading the signs wrong? You decide:


1. We skype all day long laughing about things we see go on in the office

2. People are starting to make fun of us "they are privately laughing again" when we do this

3. He says things like, what are you doing for new years, I could use a drink, what are you doing this weekend, but never follows up to ask me out

4. He is always around, if I'm in the conference room, he comes and its right next to me all laughing and smiling and flirty

5. The woman in the office tell me they think he has a crush on me based on what they see (I did not ask, that comment was unprovoked)

5. Sometimes I think we are looking in each others eyes for long amount of time


I know, I sound like a school girl. I guess I just sit and do nothing. sigh. He is really interesting and I am attracted to him and would love to get to know him outside of the office. I think we will be traveling together soon which could be cool.


Sigh, it is nearly impossible for anyone to read this and say for sure but any similiar experiences or anyone have an idea?


Thank you


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It sounds like interest to me.


Word to the wise, be very careful with relationships at work, especially in a small office. If it goes bad, it can get very awkward. Also, make sure that there isn't a policy against dating coworkers. Consult your employee handbook, if you have one.


Take a look at my recent posts. I've been in a similar situation and it's hard to deal with. I think there was some mutual attraction, but too many issues in the way and we've basically gone back to being friends, which we were for several years. I wish it was more, but it is what it is, at least for now.

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It sounds like interest to me.


Word to the wise, be very careful with relationships at work, especially in a small office. If it goes bad, it can get very awkward. Also, make sure that there isn't a policy against dating coworkers. Consult your employee handbook, if you have one.


Take a look at my recent posts. I've been in a similar situation and it's hard to deal with. I think there was some mutual attraction, but too many issues in the way and we've basically gone back to being friends, which we were for several years. I wish it was more, but it is what it is, at least for now.


yes work relatioshios can be brutal, i have also had a very negative and similar experience, and i am still dealing with the fallout...


so think carefully, i can't say by what you wrote whether there is clear interest on his part, either he is just really friendly or beating around the bush. does he do these things with other ladies? Also it can be hard when you know people are gossiping about his potential "crush" on you, but a lot of gossip is just hearsay and fanatsy concocted by really bored or lonely people...take it with a grain of salt, and watch this guys actions, not his words (or the words of your colleagues).

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