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Im suffering from common human jealousy :-?


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ok well tomorrow my friends are going out with girls and stuff on holloween to mess around and have fun.Im definitely not going to go because its no fun being by yourself when your friends attention are on the girls.And no girls have no attention on you because ur ugly i suffer from common jealousy.I am jeaslous of the fact that they will be out on holloween having a great time.When me and my other loser friends who couldnt get a gf are gonna be hanging around.doing are same old thing playing halo system links and crap at their houses.It makes me jealous i personally wish i ws in their shoes but no im gonna be with my other fellow girless ugly pathetic male friends playing our video games like usual to keep our mind off bullcrap.Do any of you suffer from the same jealousy.I Hate being jealous i feel stupid because i wish i was them

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Dude...you are way too hard on yourself. First thing...stop playing video games. That is not going to get you a girlfriend. When I was 12 I was at the mall and threatres looking for girls, while my other friends played army in each others yards. These guys lost their virginity when they were in their 20's.


Go out with the guys that are with the girls. Be part of the group. Just because you think your ugly don't mean that you can't be a fun person to hang with. If you want things to change, you need to make things happen and stop being jealous of what others have. I had friends that had 3-4 times the amount of girlfriends I have had...and I had a lot. I'm not jealous of them...to each their own, we all walk our own paths.


Its Halloween, you will be wearing a costume so you don't have to be yourself tomorrow. Pack your video game away, grab a costume, some eggs, and some shaving cream and go have some fun!


I hang out with people that are snobs, they don't speak to me much or anything, but I still go. I don't let that stuff stop me from trying to have a good time.


So go and let us know how much fun you have tomorrow. I don't want to hear how you played video games.



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DBL has some good advice as above.


You are not going to meet people if you try and limit your exposure to opportunities and purposely stay home to play video games when you could be out having fun! Why can't you go out with your friends anyway? You could still have fun, and you know - those girls will have friends that you might just end up meeting or they might introduce you to. Don't worry so much about "getting a girlfriend" - just in building friendships and having fun because that is when the girls come around, when you are confident with who you are and fun to be around.


Guess how many of the boyfriends I have had met while they were at home playing video games? A big fat none.

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I'm shocked RayKay...how could you not meet anyone while they were playing video games?


Shinobie opportunity is not going to come knock at your door. You never know what is going to happen, but one thing I know...sitting home with the geek squad is not going to get you meeting girls.


You are going to have to trust us on this.



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