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Hey just a quick question..Am I weird?

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Hey I just wanna ask a quick question am I weird? i ask this bc i seem to kinda hate adults. I just grown to hate them for awhile now ive always seen them as selfish over the summor my parents took almost all my money i earned from work and put it in my college thats wut they said but the next day I see them come home with a $600 dollar TV the exact amount i made that they took. Am I weird for hating adults?

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You are a teenager. Teenagers hate most things and think that adults are out to spoil their fun etc.

The thing is how do you differentiate between kids and adults. Do you think people are one or the other, that they change over on a certain day.

Adult is not a fixed state. An adult at 20, 30, 40, 50 are all totally different. Also just as not all children are nice, neither are all adults, so you cannot tar them with the same brush.

As for your money, was the money you gave them on top of what you paid towards your food, room, clothes and education so far? Or do you think that you are entitled to them for free? I presume you will be watching this TV also. It could of course be their own money. Believe me raising a child and then taking some money off them at 15 is not really an easy way to make a buck.



I will leave you with my slightly inaccurate quotation of Mark Twain.

At 15, I thought my father a fool, at 21 I was surprised at how much he

had learned in the past 6 years.


BTW if you decide to act like you do now for the rest of your life you will probably do very badly.

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Some people live in denial, some people observe what is going on in their family, social environment.


You have observed some wrongful behaviour and you have the right to be mad at your parents. You don't need to feel guilty about it, because they have really wronged you if they used your money to buy the family TV.


There are families where parents do actually appropriate their childrens' money or belonging as if their kids did not have property rights. Some of my friends' parents did that to their children and this is not right, it is trespass.


I think it is good that you were able to observe the wrong that was done unto you and admit it to yourself, instead of sweeping it under the carpet and pretend to love your parents just to please society who tells you constantly to "love your neighbour as thyself".


Now, your parents may have used the money now with the intention to replace the amount in your account in the future, just because they need the money for the TV. This is not right, however, because you have the right to transparency, they should have explained this to you instead of acting in your back.


I advice you to set your own college account and save, save, save. Give the bank specific instructions not to release the money to anybody but you. Then save and save, in order to become independent asap, when you reach 18, of course.


I wish you all the best. Take care!

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just because they are your parents doesn't mean they are good people.

It is thier job to povide for you. Some people do not make good parents. In fact yours sound terrible- they beat you!!! There are alot of lousy parents out there and you got stuck. I feel so bad for you. You sound so unhappy and misersable. Why don't you talk to a counselor and see if foster care is an option for you. You can't live with people that beat you and make you feel like you want to die. Parents are suppose to make you feel safe. Go talk to a counselor you need someone to help you deal with them. Good Luck

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I don't know if you will ever seek help, but I hope you do. Your messages are heartbreaking. You need to deal with this situation. But you are 15 , can you survive 3 more years? Please hang on!!! Life is enjoyable. You may not believe it now but it can be and it will be. When you can surround yourself with good people, life will be much better. You will appreciate

kindness and hopefully you can be a loving,kind,nice great man. I still hope you talk to a counselor maybe something can be done. Please take care ok!!!!! You are better than them, remember that. You can prove that someday. I will pray for you.

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