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Advice for guy in early 20's?


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I want help in becoming more attractive to women in their early 20’s (i’m 22). I’m finishing my final year of university with great prospects for my future career and I’m 4months out of a 4 year relationship (so I know I’m capable of being with a woman beyond the butterfly stage).


I don’t see myself as unattractive; I think I should point that out. I’m an average looking guy, slim, dress well, style my hair etc. But I want to be the best I can be, for myself and for any potential partners.


I live an active life and I’m involved in a number of social activities at university with plans to travel in the summer. So I’m not short on girls I come accross in my daily life...


What advice would you give to me, in a general way of living life and communicating with these girls, which may improve their interest in me?


I must seem sad, haha, but I’m genuinely intrigued.

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I don’t see myself as unattractive; I think I should point that out. I’m an average looking guy, slim, dress well, style my hair etc. But I want to be the best I can be, for myself and for any potential partners.


I live an active life and I’m involved in a number of social activities at university with plans to travel in the summer. So I’m not short on girls I come accross in my daily life...


What advice would you give to me, in a general way of living life and communicating with these girls, which may improve their interest in me?


Well its only been four months ....


If you are all the things you say you are above then it doesn't sound as though it will take you long to find someone. The only advice I would give is that you should just be yourself and don't try too hard to impress anyone. Confidence is a very attractive trait (but not over-confidence). Just relax, enjoy being single, be confident in who and where you are in life and you won't be single for long.

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I'm usually very attracted to tall slim guys


Since you're out of a long term relationship at 22, I'm going to assume your dating experience is lacking. Don't fear, the confidence to approach women and go out on dates will come naturally. Just remember not to lose sight of what's going on - you're out of a relationship with your first love. Don't bring emotional baggage to the table, and meet all new women with optimism and an open mind.


As far as being attractive - as long as you bathe, dress well, and exhude confidence, you'll do just fine


I suggest picking up some stylish plaid shirts and well-fitting jeans - always a sexy look for a slim dude

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Thank you for your comments so far I'm 5ft10" so not too small!


I don't think I'm particularly interested in a relationship with someone but the confidence boost of becoming an attractive individual would do me wonders I think!


Anything that comes of it is just a bonus!

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What advice would you give to me, in a general way of living life and communicating with these girls, which may improve their interest in me?


Learn how to confidently give a compliment, for no other reason than to brighten someone's day. Then when people think of you, they'll have positive thoughts.

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When a guy says 'slim' it's really just a polite way to say skeletal.

It's like when girls refer to themselves as having 'meat' when in actuality, they're fat.

Are you slim or skinny... Be honest.


Personally, I'd bulk up.

You don't have to go all Jersey Shore on it, but muscles are generally more ideal.

No need to make it a lifestyle... 1-2x a week @ the gym will suffice.


Other than that it sounds like you have a social life so personally?

I'd just play the game & take risks... Have some fun with it.

Dating & getting to know girls can be fun if you don't take it too seriously.

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You could say skinny! I don't know. I don't see it as an issue as I'm toned and I do a lot of running and agility sports so it generally helps!


I think paying compliments to people would be a good start. How do you even do that? Haha!


You sound like you are doing just fine. As far as looks go, everyone goes for different things. Personally I have never found super- muscle heads attractive, I have liked either men who are tall and lean, or on the chubby side. My husband is almost 40 and the first type, he is 6'0 and 180. If you are 5'10 and you weigh less than, say, 165, though, maybe it would be a good idea to lift weights and go on a high protein diet to add attractive muscle, and fill your face out nicely. (Most women like "average" physiques, no extreme anything)


Complimenting girls, being friendly, confident yet sweet, smiling a lot, laughing a lot, are all things that will get you some dates.

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I think paying compliments to people would be a good start. How do you even do that? Haha!


From what i've gathered, the best compliments are on something she obviously really cares about. So if she's fashionable, give her a compliment on something subtle that she done ie matched or contrasted patterns in an interesting way, great shoes, etc. Or, say she has a great sense of fashion. Or, and I think this is really good, if you can notice that she has changed something about her hair, point out that you notice and like it.


Try not to make generic comments that she hears all the time: "you look really hot", "you have pretty eyes" (although the girl i'm seeing has UNREAL eyes and she loves it when i tell her how pretty they are), etc. In general, i'm sure these are good but I think that something more specific and different will set you apart.

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I guess I can be considered skinny then! It's something I'm willing to work on (muscle growth) so that's not a problem. Thank you for your comments so far!


I have attracted 3 girls since my break-up. So I'm not overly worried about this, I just see my break-up as an opportunity for self improvement and the best way to do that is to ask. I would like to take the focus away from initial attraction now, however, what is it about a guy and his conversation/social situation (future ambitions, drive, humour etc) that you find a attractive?


For instance, there's a party, you're stood there and I'm accross the room. What would I do to befriend and interest you in me?

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