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How to get ex back when dating someone else??


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How possible is it when your ex starts dating someone else only 2 weeks after the break up?

they have been dating for 2 months and only see each other every other weekend.

we are in contact every day and he stayed at my house the last 6 days (wr have a 1yr old son).

he knows I want him back but somehow it's hard to convince him to give us another chance because he is scared the same mistakes will happen again.


I try to stay happy and positive around him.. we joke around, watch movies together ... should I continue being this way and show him I really want him back and see where it goes or talk to him about me wanting him back again?

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Before you try and get the guy back you should ask yourself why you would allow someone who is spoosed to be in love with you, to date someone else while he 'figures it out'...


What I mean is, what is it about you that lets this happen...?


As far as the situation, my ex left me for someone else too...I waited for over a year but she never did come back....


Please dont do that*


Best of Luck

Carus* 8-)

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Everything is possible. I think you should read some articles about getting ex back. It will help you to get your ex back. I have read " link removed " and it helped me getting my ex back too.


Good Luck

thanks for the link

how long did it take you getting him back?

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If your ex is with someone else, you have to respect that. In the meantime, I would not let him stay with you at all. Visiting your son does not require a sleep over. Kick him out and arrange visitation. If he sees you beg and "knows" you want him back, then he knows that you are at his beck and call and that he can have two girlfriends - he can sleep with the new girl and you will be waiting the minute he wants to sleep with you also. Perfect world for him.


Lay down the law. Don't cry beg or yell. If you don't own your place together and you lived alone with your son, then kick him out. If you kick him out and only communicate when it is in regards to your child and nothing else, he will see that you are serious and won't put up with garbage. You may have to accept that he might not want to be in a relationship with you - but you will be doing what is best for you. He may decide that he wants another chance but it must be on YOUR terms and not until after you do some healing.


I normally would say never speak to him again but with such a young child you have to communicate in some way - so keep it only business like. You will just have to see what happens in time but for now - stop catering to him.

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