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16 weeks pregnant but no weight gain


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Like the title says..


Help me out guys.. m freaking out now.. Why am i NOT gaining weight? What could possibly be the reason? Is my baby ok? Is he growing inside?

I have my next appointment on dec15.. I'll be having ultrasound then.. I had my first scan when i was 8 weeks..


Please suggest me somethin im really worried now.



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I would not panic. You are hardly out of the first trimester. I lost weight around 16 weeks, in fact. Several pounds, and twice. After 24 weeks it started to come on(more than I anticipated). If you had morning sickness, you could have lost weight and even put it back on.


Are you eating well and keeping everything down? Call your doctor for some reassurance.

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You should be ok. This is very common if you have been sick. I did not gain weight either. I did not gain one ounce either time I was pregnant. My son was still ok. They do not recommend that and put me at high risk because I could not gain weight. Still my son was perfectly ok, just slightly smaller than your average boy but perfectly healthy.

Ask your dr what you should be eating. Eat more high calorie and high protein items.

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Thanks alot guys..


Yes i had severe morning sickness in my 2nd month..i couldnt eat properly back then.. so yeah this could be a reason..


Oh and i am skinny yes lol..


Well im eating properly now.. but not so much high calories but yes m eating properly everythin..



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I didnt gain weight with my first baby until i was about 7 months along. I had bad mirning sickness and lost 7lbs to begin with but my dr assured me it was fine. Baby was growing well and there was nothing to worry about. I had a small baby 6lbs 12 but healthy and no problems during pregnancy.


Dont worry im sure youll be fine x

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My mom gained 12 lbs all together, and my brother was 7 lbs...Healthy. With me, she gained 25 lbs, and I was 9 lbs. And me, I gained 60 lbs!! But starting around the second trimester. And my baby was 9 lbs. Every women is different.



Yeah every woman is different my Ex's weight stayed pretty much the same throughout both her pregnancys, and delivered two health happy kidlets. So she actually lost weight during the course of her pregnancys even though she was eating like a horse

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I lost weight with all 3 of mine. First one was like 30lbs because of morning sickness all but 2 months...she weighed 7.5lbs. Second one again lost weight around 25 lbs...he was premature and was almost 8lbs. Third one lost 10lbs and only gained a total of 17lbs so really only gained 7lbs and he was 7lbs. All were healthy. Everyone is different with pregnancy. Bring your concern to your doctor if you are really worried about it.

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I lost well over a stone in the first few months. I'm 25 wks now and still haven't gone past my starting weight at 8 weeks when I was last weighed.

But I eat correctly, just can't stuff my face as much as I used too.. sad times!


Just make sure your midwife knows, and they can help you keep an eye on it.

They said to me as long as I'm healthy and down go below my bmi I'm ok, and that my baby is growing well, and is a little fatty!

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