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Really ashamed

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Ok, when I was 14 years old, I started playing around with myself feeling my clit and whatever felt good. I was wasn't very aware of how my body worked or anything because my parents don't talk about such things, school was vague and unhelpful and at the time I didn't have a computer that I could get to. Also, my parents being good Christians didn't keep any sexual references that I could look at. Anyways, I one day I started playing with a toothbrush holder while I was masturbating and I put in myself. I pushed it in a couple times but then it's started to hurt so I took it out. I saw some blood but not a lot on the holder. Now, I scared that I am not a virgin anymore but I never been with a man. I am really scared and ashamed. Is there anyway to find out if I am still a virgin? What do I do now?

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The way I see it, it is impossible to lose your virginity if you have not had sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite gender. Even if your hymen is broken while masturbating (which I doubt), then idealistically speaking you are just as much a virgin as a newborn baby. Don't be scared and ashamed-people have done far worse while motivated by sexual entertainment. Wash off the toothbrush holder and wash out your shame-you have ways to go yet before you lose your virginity to that lucky guy methinks.

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I dont think that hows your supposed to determine wether or not your a virgin. A lot of girls get taht just by riding a bike, its detertmined by wether or not you've had sexual intercourse yet. So id say ya your pretty much still a virgin.


In simplar terms, if a guy masturbates does that mean hes had sex and is no longer virgin?!

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Don't worry, you're still a virgin and a toothbrush can't break your hymen that far. Just try being more gentle next time. There's nothing to be ashamed of, 84% of the women do masturbate according to surveys, and even that figure might be lowered by people's instinct to lie.



I wondered about the size of a hymen and a penis for the longest time too. After actually having sex I learned that... penises really aren't that small. You'll need to tie 6 toothbrushes together to get that effect. You're safe. (my first time hurt A LOT)

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Losing your virginity is strictly related to sexual acts done with another person, by common definition. Now what TYPE of sexual act constitues losing your virginity varies from person to person, but sex involves penetration by one PERSOn upon another. So using an inatemate (sp?) object doesn't count as sex.

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I agree, you are definitely still a virgin. It does not necesarily relate to your hymen, but to having sex with somoene. Anyways, you probably only hurt yourself inside, be carefull. Your virgin (hymen) is not inside, but at the entrance!. You will feel if it is broken.


Then about feeling guilty. DON"T. There is nothing wrong about experimenting sexually. It is NORMAL. It is really sad that some parents neglect to tell and educate their kids on this, and it causes feelings of shame and of being "dirty" and creates dysfunctional adults.


We are all born sexual beings, even babies, and todlers are born perfect, with everything already there. It does not come later!! Don't feel bad, explore yourself, and know how your own body works. This will make you a very good partner in your future love life. But take care, and act safe and responsibly one day when you decide to get a partner!

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oohh...well i dunno what to say but i think ur still a virgin though its prety close to lose it.anyways, would like to ask, if agirl masturbates say twice a day or even everyday is there any complication could happen to her?i mean any health problems like being incapble of having a child and the like, sorry im kinda paranoid.

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tha'ts all old wives tales.


Nothing bad will happen to you if you masturbate often. If you should by chance want to insert something, just don't use things that are dirty or harmfull. Then you could get hurt, or it could get stuck. As long as you just use your clean hands, nothing can go wrong! When a girl has an orgasm, it is purely a pleasure reflex, that does not mean that she released an egg.(ovulate) than happens on a completely different cycle and has nothing to do with masturbation. That's why girls can get pregnant by having sex without having an orgasm.

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U havent lost your virginity, thats a sexual act with another human being.


And don't feel ashamed at all. I felt quite ashamed when I first started to masturbate at 12, this was because I didn't know that basically EVERY1 does it. Experimentation is only natural. Have fun.

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Oh my... *shakes head* You know, when I have kids I am going to make sure they are educated about sex.


Here is the thing about masturbation: you really get to know your own body, and that helps you to understand what does and doesn't work for you in a sexual situation. So when you finally do have sex with someone, you know how to make the best of it! There is nothing wrong with it, and unless you're shoving knives up into yourself you're probably not going to do damage. Being young and a virgin, you'll experience some bleeding, perhaps and you might be sore at times. But that's normal. And if you REALLY get worried, go talk to your doctor about it! Get educated so you understand your body.

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