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"Drifting apart" from someone (along with jealousy issues)


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Some of you may be familiar with my fairly recent posts about this girl I work with that I developed feelings for, asked out, and ultimately got turned down by. While I admittedly do still have lingering feelings for her in the back of my mind, I've made peace with the fact that nothing is ever going to "happen" between us. The thing is, while we don't see each other outside of work, during work hours, we'd always spend a decent amount of our free time with each other, having conversations, or just goofing around. We get along so well, better than I've ever gotten along with anyone. I thought after I asked her out, things would be weird between us at least for a little while, but they weren't, and we got right back to the way things were before.


Shortly after that, though, a new manager started working at our store, and everybody has been crazy about him. And he's a cool guy, I'll admit. I get along with him well, too. Ever since he started, though, the girl in question has started spending a lot of time with him, and seemingly less with me. I don't suspect she's "attracted" to him (she's told me about her reservations towards dating coworkers, not to mention, this guy is a bit older and has a girlfriend), but I just miss when I used to be her "go-to guy". She would even seek me out just to talk or make jokes with me. We still have occasional moments together, but for the most part, she hangs out around him most of the time now.


Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not "angry" or resentfully hostile, or anything like that. I just miss what we used to have. Especially considering she finishes college in December, at which point I suspect she'll get a better job and leave, and I'll never see her again. I had hoped to be able to enjoy the last couple of months I have left with her, but it's like we've "drifted apart".


I know there's nothing I can do to "fix" this at all, and it just is what it is. It's just frustrating, and sad, and I guess I just wanted to vent a little bit.

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Eh, like I said, I don't get the impression she's "attracted" to him. "Fickle" seems a bit harsh, as well. I dunno, I just miss the way things were. We just "got" each other so well, even the little bits of time we had to converse this past weekend were really good, it just seems like for whatever reason, I'm not her "go-to guy" anymore.

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